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Everything posted by Steve25

  1. I'll take that bet. We'd need to set some more detailed parameters, though. So number one is no measurable snow between now and February 15th. Where do we count an official measurement? BWI? Part 2 of the bet is that what, there won't be a trackable threat on February 15th? What would you consider trackable? I will absolutely throw something down with you. Let's make this interesting. Put some money where your mouth is.
  2. You might as well change this to "ever again" instead of "this year." If you don't think it could happen with the advertised pattern in mid-late February, then you probably would think it could never happen again.
  3. I don't know how many diehard O's fans we have in here, but as one myself, I am fired all the way up! I love the fact they're including sports legends like Cal in the ownership group as well, gives more hope that this ownership group will care about the product on the field!
  4. I often think about my regrets from 09/10. I was in 10th grade. I definitely enjoyed it. The time off school was a thrill. I got no pictures or videos of my own. Nor did I write any journal entries about winter weather events like I do now. Obviously I can go and watch other people's videos from that winter, but it's just not the same as having your own personal memories captured. I also just didn't cherish that winter the way I would now. It haunts me, knowing it's very likely we will never experience something like that again.
  5. Shh. It's climate change panic today!
  6. If 4 of the top 10 warmest days weren't in 1975 and earlier I'd be more unsettled. Otherwise I'm just chalking it up to one warm January day
  7. Just saw a wasp. I'm calling it lol
  8. I love all the new technology today, but there's part of me that's disappointed I'll likely never experience anything like this. 15-20" in a completely surprise blizzard.
  9. Maybe that's the reason I keep feeling horrible about the remarks that late February is our best time to cash in this winter. I'm near BWI, getting big snows in late February FEELS like it just doesn't happen.
  10. Agreed. It's kind of making me cringe when I see them saying our chances for a big one aren't until then. I can trust mid-Feb, but getting into that last week of February...
  11. I haven't seen anyone acting like last week "makes up for" our awful run of winters. I've seen people who love winter and gotten out and enjoyed a wintry scene while it was around. I'm very annoyed by the past 8 years. It's pretty much daily that I think about the fact that its been 8 years since my last 6+ inch snowfall. I'm annoyed that we're going to punt the last week or January and likely the first week of February. I'm unhappy that there's really only been 1 week that's felt like winter so far. You're absolutely not alone in that. I still didn't let all those very real negative feelings stop me from enjoying last week. I took lots of great pictures and ventured out to enjoy it. I spent many moments glancing out the window at the snow covered scenery, just taking it in. None of that takes away the winter frustrations overall, but it provides joy and positive memories from being in the moment. I think most, if not all, from this forum who shared their joy from the past week feel very similarly. Being joyful in the moment doesn't at all mean that the overall landscape still isn't good. You still have to stop and enjoy the little things because if you don't, you'll just become bitter and frustrated 24/7, no matter what.
  12. I just love this field. We can't figure out exactly what will happen 2-3 days away, but we certainly know what's coming 2-3 weeks away.
  13. If all you ever do is worry about the future, you'll never enjoy the present. Live in the moment. Create memories you can fondly look back on
  14. A delightful wintry week! Snow sticks around for a few more days, then we deal with whatever comes next. Soak this week in, it's been wonderful!
  15. 100% with you. This week has been a delight. Snow covering everything for a week and lots of cold. Snow on Snow.
  16. I'm hopeful there will still be snow on the ground when it arrives so a fresh 2-4 LOOKS like a bit more haha
  17. Idk when the Georgetown jokes will get old, but it certainly isn't today
  18. Ended up with 4.5 around Parkville. Curious to find out what the BWI official measurement is.
  19. Is the rippage anywhere near Baltimore City?
  20. It will. Winter will take a break next week and then come running back onto the field
  21. I'm loving this event, but I'm really hoping this is accurate when it applies to the first half of February! Let this be the beginning!
  22. Thanks for the advice for the pics! Parkville, Baltimore County.
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