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Everything posted by Holston_River_Rambler

  1. Still not much wrt foliage in Roane or my part of S Morgan county. Some spots above 2000' here and there, and typical yellowing of poplars, but that's about it. Nice view from work today looking ESE: subsidence overhead as air drops off the plateau: https://i.imgur.com/of5FVFG.mp4
  2. Nice shower developing yesterday over Waldon Ridge between Roane and Morgan counties:
  3. Yeah the lightning and thunder here are the worst part of this line right now. A lot of energy with these storms coming off the plateau.
  4. I didn't think about it at the time, but I have a radarscope account that lets me access historical data back to a point.
  5. Some summer weather/ nature pics. First few are for the field trip I run for a local community college: High desert monsoonal storms: Dust storm near Chaco Canyon: St Simon's Island storm: Big South Fork:
  6. @nrgjeff Here are the reflectivity and storm relative velocities from about 1250 PM through around 230:
  7. Thanks man, I'm ok. Been a rough year for the Rambler household. I lost my dad and my wife lost her mom within one month earlier in the year. Been dealing with a broken toe and possible meniscus tear for the past couple of months too. I'm doing ok though. Saw some snow on the GFS in British Columbia and was already thinking about one of those zoom in gifs, lol. Worst of the storms passed us by this week! I have some good summer pics I will post soon. Hope all is well with y'all !
  8. Honestly, like y'all were saying, I couldn't believe radar was lighting up with all those hook echoes. I was just expecting a typical discreet storms west and middle TN that turn into a line as they approach.
  9. Got some pics of the second MoCo tornado warned storm driving back home through Oliver Springs: These are looking right at the hook on the radar: Radar at the time. I was at the X looking in the direction of the arrow:
  10. I was reading the AFD for New Mexico for my annual field trip starting next week and thought some of you might appreciate it: .LONG TERM... (Friday night through Wednesday) Issued at 234 AM MDT Thu May 4 2023 Sarlacc pits look to be in full glory as the weekend’s forecast is dry, windy, and warm conditions across the Land of Enchantment. Southwest flow aloft, combined with a lee side surface trough over southeastern CO will allow for trilogy of typical Spring windy days this weekend through Monday. Hot days with highs in the low 90s at Roswell will make it feel as if two suns are present. Highs will be in the 80s and 70s elsewhere, with 60s at higher elevations. Overnight lows will range from the 30s across the west and north, to 40s and 50s at lower elevations on the dark side of the day. Given the warm temperatures and very low humidities, moisture farmers and blue milk providers will be all important to stay hydrated. A disturbance in the force, a presence not felt since…well yesterday, begins to arrive into far eastern NM by Tuesday of next week. Global model solutions are hinting at increased moisture marching into the Caprock area increasing chances for afternoon storms along the dryline. Cloud-to-ground light-saber lightning battles, along with downburst winds, and hail will be main hazards from any storm cell. However, most of the state will remain under the oppressive regime of dry, warm, and windy conditions. By Wednesday, the chances for afternoon thunderstorms looks to strike back further into eastern NM. But we won’t tell you the odds as forecast confidence is low this far out.
  11. I particularly like the suck factor of the 12z GFS that has two cut off upper lows in a row for like 8 days.
  12. Luckily we were spared. It was mostly north of me. But man the wind Saturday afternoon was probably the worst I've seen even with all the "mixing down" wind events we've had. Power was out most of the afternoon and evening.
  13. Some cold as %^%$%#$ readings up here on the plateau on Wunderground this AM: 6 was the lowest I could find near Crossville
  14. Seasonal snowfall to date. Check out that Eastman bubble around Kingsport. A zoomed out view:
  15. I don't know about the actual course they run (and I think it changes every year a little), but I've gotten some pretty rough miles in there. Last July: And that was all ON trails, lol and it was rough on me. They go off trail, from what I've heard, maybe 40% of the course. They have to climb a power line cut usually too, they call it rat jaw. Neither one of the elevation profiles above are the really steep sections (North Bird Mt and Chimney Tops). Supposedly each Barkley loop is around 26 miles and you have to do 5 in under 60 hours while finding pages from random books Lazarus hides throughout the park. If you've never seen the documentary on the race, I recommend it: http://barkleymovie.com/
  16. 0z and 6z still have the storm for next week. CMC and Euro have slightly warmer solutions since they bring the vort. out later. Kind of hard to buy anything at this point, but the ingredients are there.
  17. While we're on plants, I went to see my friend in Boone this weekend and got some exciting weather, my first CAD storm on my way home: Near the intersection of NC 184 and 105: Grandfather Mt Saturday AM:
  18. On a less cynical note, I have never seen the MJO do this while I've been watching it, so hopefully it means, if nothing else something has changed in the tropics with regards to ENSO. Maybe too late for this year, but hopefully not next.
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