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Eskimo Joe

Professional Forecaster
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Everything posted by Eskimo Joe

  1. A picture or two would help. I've got some ideas.
  2. With winter now behind us, it's time to get into summer mode and that means: lawn, gardens and pools! Started off yesterday by roto tilling the side garden and looking to put a couple more 4' x 10' raised beds in the next year or so. So far I've planted: Music garlic (100 cloves) Georgian Red garlic (60 cloves) So far I've ordered these seeds: Squash - Waltham Butternut & Long Island Cheese Cucumber - Early Fortune & ISIS Beets - Bull's Blood & Burpee Golden Pepper - Jalapeno Traveler Strain Tomatillo - Purple Radish - French Breakfast Tomato - Berkley Pink Tie Dye , Black Beauty, Kellogg's Breakfast, Rutgers, German Gold Poppy - Black Swan Sunflower - Russian Mammoth, Autumn Surprise Lupine - Purple Cosmos
  3. Heh, that western band is literally hugging I-91 for all it's worth.
  4. Man this is a beautiful event to witness, too bad it's not hitting DC -> BOS. Congrats all.
  5. So question for the group...any ideas why BOX hasn't extended the Blizzard Warning further west into RI? Providence and Newport are certainly meeting the criteria. I know it's for 3 consecutive hours, but conditions appear to be only worsening through midday.
  6. Puerto Rico is the FEMA staging camp for all aid to the islands. We are using these extra updates from NHC for contingency planning efforts and it's been a huge help to us.
  7. Flight level wind of 176 mph on recon.
  8. Weird that it's not showing up on my GR 3 (v 2.x)
  9. Ah. I was surprised there isn't a Terminal radar for San Juan airport.
  10. I'm surprised there isn't a second radar on Puerto Rico (NW side?), given the terrain.
  11. Here: https://twitter.com/ExtremeStorms
  12. Per Levi Cowen, [7:33pm] Recon finds an estimated pressure of 926mb and surface winds of 160 mph in #Maria's northwestern eyewall.
  13. Eye becoming visible on satellite. Cat 4 by tomorrow AM?
  14. Maria's eye is looking much better defined on radar since this time yesterday: https://twitter.com/EricBlake12/status/909819042436927489
  15. Hurricane warning issued for the U.S. Virgin Islands.
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