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Everything posted by StormchaserChuck!

  1. Pattern is opening up, based around general global warming (land/sea) trough becomes N.A. centered.. same stuff as '16 on. We need low pressure and anomalous low pressure for snowstorms, unless there is a volcano eruption or something that year.
  2. I don't see any snowstorms coming, Pattern will revolve around event/noevent and it's dry.
  3. I had a -PNA signal in March. The same thing was November, where it was based on SSTs, and PDO stuff, roll-forward (-PNA), we know that Nov turned out like this^, but then December blasted -PNA, maybe we'll see that -PNA again in April? A -PNA April would be against a developing El Nino (subsurface warming), but based on what we saw last year it may just be a -wave in an otherwise +ENSO trend. (I think La Nina will be gone completely in 1-2 months.)
  4. I had a -PNA signal in March. The same thing was November, where it was based on SSTs, and PDO stuff, roll-forward (-PNA), we know that Nov turned out like this^, but then December blasted -PNA, maybe we'll see that -PNA again in April?
  5. 14 degrees this morning, 16F now. snow was fluffy and teens yesterday.
  6. 15 lasers of crickets/birds from 200'+ away (now) right in the face <7gaps/skips3rd edit(after post, this has been ongoing).
  7. There are just people/energy systems that track/separate like crazy. Like I said, it's not hard to map up scenarios, knowing everyone's mind.
  8. NWS scares me a little with the warning system. Doesn't everyone have access to these?
  9. Thanks, it's like gangster activity, being attached onto a gang. The taxpayer government can't handle military satellites or they just don't want to.. I'm more of a believer in letting things go or play out. It has to be bad information somewhere. Can't stop the satellites from watching you, but this sucks.
  10. Look how fast we transition.. 19F Now Pacific ridge/High pressure Wow, the whole Pacific is ridging.
  11. 2nd burst of +NAO Feb 27 probably will try to be with -EPO/NE Pacific High vs west,-PNA(in trend)..
  12. Actually we have a -AO for about 11 days, then it switches, graduation, east coast dominating.
  13. I always thought established +NAO wouldn't insert itself quietly (without cold correlation)
  14. Yeah, 5 posts in 5 days. I've never had sex before, they keep hitting my computer with gb's of .exe's for anything expressive. because I met a guy named Quinn Eaker on 1-31-2013 and spok 8 words to him.
  15. Next Winter will be year 7 of -PNA/reverse-El Nino. Makes you wonder about ENSO.
  16. 22-23, not good news guys if we flex -NAO next Winter it will be -PNA
  17. Been tracking ENSO, it's gone into an anomaly warming with -PNA's, and actually more La Nina's. Didn't have to go that path.
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