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Everything posted by StormchaserChuck!

  1. 47F at 11:20pm.. 60 for the High, +EPO's are always underestimated and always overperform.. not a good weather understanding of land vs water and pressure, honestly.
  2. Yeah, Newman, the reality of a 60 degree day. Nice for the eyes. How does science become so depended on humans?
  3. Big energy systems have some ridiculous training wheels/breath out of straw...all the time. (I'm of the opinion that there are scientific dimensions).
  4. so bored.. I have big energy blockages for no reason at all blocking my work.
  5. 2020 had a strong +NAO Feb14-28, like we are going to. 2015 had a +NAO, those are the two analogs in the last 20 years to a snapshot of Atlantic pattern now, a lot of Atlantic storms.
  6. Again, ridiculous +NAO at 384hr check out my thread
  7. Still a strong +NAO here, -PNA right into March..
  8. ^I've found indexes lead when they are strong, such a strong -PNA/+NAO will only trend warmer in the eastern 2/3 US.
  9. I personally think it will be a -NAO March, we'll see
  10. This may be where we are headed +NAO analogs Feb14-28 +,- 200dm is pretty extreme.. 3 points, in all analogs since 2006
  11. I said back in December such a big -PNA favors +NAO later in the Winter, especially in February. We have also been reversing last year almost perfectly, That was big -NAO last February, even hit +500 to 600dm around the same time (Feb 7-9). Pretty interesting.
  12. It looks like we now get up to -600dm in the +NAO. Because of trends/graduation, this might be something that doesn't break until next year (snow next Winter), it might flurry though. What are your season ending snow totals?
  13. Pretty excited to see this play out.. SE ridge will come much further north than that
  14. really cold in the West,.. we aren't really paralleling not being allowed to animate
  15. going to be tough.. I thought switch to +NAO sate during this Winter would give us a coldparallel., Turns out the lagging ENSO is really lagging and we are ridging the Pacific like crazy, it's going to be hard to snow, like 5%.
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