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Everything posted by rclab

  1. Quick Wiki screenshot agrees, Liberty. Stay steady, as always ….
  2. Through your pain and sorrow, I pray you find peace. As always ….
  3. Good afternoon CW. I read every one of your posts and value the civil interaction demonstrated by the different positions. I’m not qualified to speak technically but I find the example above, if I’m looking at it correctly, reflects a period of time that was known as the dust bowl era. The effects were attributed to practices that ignored any present day sense of conservation. As a species we do seem to have the power to manipulate for the good and sadly for the bad. Please continue to post with civility as you have and I will certain read all and the responses. Never fear I do, as it applies to me, understand the ‘read more, post less axiom’ stay well, as always ….
  4. Good morning Liberty. I must be really old if I can’t even feel the ground shake. As always …
  5. Good morning everyone. Ref: the earthquake, I heard it more than felt it. A grinding loud sound, no shake or movement. Surprising the pups didn’t even bark. I pray everyone is well. As always …..
  6. Good morning CP. Many times what makes you feel good is difficult to avoid and impossible to deny. Stay well, as always ….
  7. Thank you for bringing back a memory of Lil Abner on the front page of the long ago NYC Sunday Daily Mirror. Stay well, as always …
  8. Good morning all. Perhaps the visible and invisible powers would swiftly move to completely reverse C C if they realized the $$ potential of dry continental shelves. The folks on the 40 N continental land masses might not be thrilled with the result. Stay well, as always ….
  9. Good evening Allsnow, Anthony, JP87. Ref the attached NWS almanac graphic, it’s already (95+) happened twice within the last 38 years. I feel that Allsnow was stating the obvious. Our ocean will likely be our blanket regardless of the season. Stay well, as always…
  10. Good afternoon BW. I was 18 when the original came out. Now at nearly 77 I come across this reworking of the lyrics with the same music. To me, as the latest deluge continues, I found it interesting and heart rending. Stay well, as always
  11. I like the crocus and daffodils. I hope they can still remain vibrant after the freezing rain. As always ….
  12. Good morning all. As of 07:51 the park is at .44. Please be careful if you’re out or on the roads. As always ….
  13. Good morning Rob. In the main thread you mentioned the trees and bushes are encased in ice. With winds possibly gusting later is yours and the surrounding northern areas in any danger. Please be careful if you go out. As always ….
  14. Good evening Don. Magnificent photos from the Botanical Gardens. Below the first photo is of a Camilla I planted at my parents house over 55 years ago. The second is a bloom from a Camilla I planted in the postage stamp 40 years ago. My sister said the one at my parent’s house opened its first bloom near the end of February. Stay well, as always …
  15. Thank you Rob. I’ve been in a catch 22 loop with my account. I was only able to visit and couldn’t get help. I would request a password reset, put in my address and screen name and one or the other wouldn’t be recognized. My daughter, heaven bless her, asked me how the forum was doing, hearing my situation and not being able to contact Admins for help, she said she would get an account so that I could use it to contact the Administrators for help with mine. Today the reset request worked. This whole mess had to be something I did. My problem now is trying to figure out what it was so I don’t do it again. Im happy to be back. Firum withdrawal symptoms at my age are distinctly unpleasant. Thank you for asking ….. and …. As always
  16. … gravity your post words ‘are’ wisdom. Unlike those on Mona Lisa’s doorstep, the fact that you can vocalize your dreams actually means they’re not dead. My 18/22 foot postage stamp will always be dear to me. The soil in its 150 year existence is less than ideal. I still, in a boxed raised bed and clay pots filled with fresh soil, attempt vegetable plantings. Even so with Mother Oak taking over in the warm season, full sun is restricted to a limited number of hours, preventing any sort of bumper crop. What ever does ripen, I treasure …. Of course unless I’m vigilant my furry tailed tree rodents harvest before I do. The postage stamp is also a final resting place for beloved small companions. The photos below show the latest loses, my feline, Honey and my daughters canine Stan. The birds are also a blessing to watch. I furnish them with seed for the feeders and suet for the small cage holders. I often wish that someday, standing very still, after replenishing the feeders, a sparrow will land even briefly on my shoulder. Such are the dreams of the aged. Please be well gravity and know your land, of almost thirty years, is now a part of you and loved by you. As always …
  17. …. And though a cold wind may yet steal my breath …. The soul that is me will forever remain yours. ( sung quietly to Mother Nature by a lonely old man walking slowly around his postage stamp. ) stay well Liberty, as always …..
  18. Thank you Rob, gravity. The postage stamps frozen beauty is gone. Now only the dull lifeless brown of fallen oak leaves remain in view. I did find a small promise of the Spring to come. Stay well, as always …..
  19. Good morning everyone. I find the NW & NE enjoyable and miss it when it goes quiet. Stay well, as always ….
  20. Just don’t Ji …… enjoy what ever time you have left. As always ……
  21. A weather forum member’s ancestor on the coastal plain 15,000 years ago. Stay well, as always ….
  22. Good morning S19. Apparently AccuWeather long range agrees with you, at least for the moment. Stay well, as always ….
  23. Even the UHI haunted inner city can yield to frozen beauty. Stay well everyone, as always ….
  24. 26 states, 9 foreign countries. The closest to VA is Durham NC. One in Bethesda MD also. As always ….
  25. forky, Nibor, I’m sorry, as a CPK use past offender I couldn’t resist. Stay well, as always ….
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