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Everything posted by rclab

  1. As per chronological realities, I use the scrub brush each morning to avoid that problem. Stay well, gl, as always …..
  2. Good morning Liberty, I was worried. Stay well, as always …
  3. Good morning everyone. I needed a break from the hot thread read. I figured I’d come upstate for breather. Stay well all, as always ….
  4. Good morning ILW. I fully agree, personally, with your first sentence. However, if and when S19 evaluates a potential system and “woofs” ….. I’ll be speed walking to Trader Joe’s. …. That’s if I’ve made it to the head in time. Stay well, dry, wet, or white/frozen. As always …
  5. Good afternoon Liberty. It certainly gives credence to the “be careful what you wish for” truism. As always ….
  6. Good late morning Liberty. Yes, I believe classic original deep purple. Stay well, as always ….
  7. Good morning all. The NWS, CPK observation did show 4 out of 6 hours of light snow between 00:51 and 06:51. For a .06 total. I observed no evidence of accumulation around my inner city area. However on returning from a power walk I did see a promise of the evolving season. Stay well, as always …..
  8. You must be looking at the avatar. As always ….
  9. Good late afternoon Rob. I almost got the warm fuzzies but I was lucky enough to see the warning film in Basic Training. before my first leave, Stay well, as always ….
  10. Good afternoon Don. Three Mets. ?????? As Always ….
  11. Good afternoon CP. those random thoughts are quite good. I’ve often wondered how a Coastal Plains forum, extending from Canada to the tip of Florida would work. The New England forum has an unofficial NNE/ NSE and a transitional middle ground. The Coastal Plains group could work the same way. I doubt there would be much if any support for such a proposal. In existence it would make for some lively discussions. The moderators would have to be on salary with bonus incentives. A black belt in vernacular combat might also be a requirement. Stay well, as always …
  12. Good afternoon Liberty. I may have been tempted to check the CPK’s zoo keeper measurers driveway after the late night measurement. As always …
  13. Light snow in Cobble Hill. Asphalt and concrete absorbed todays sun. Precipitation falling frozen but landing wet. Stay well and safe everyone. As always …,
  14. Good morning Liberty. Gravity speaks wisdom. Many of us have had a good experience in the park that we never forget. As a late college teen I remember taking a young lady to the Delacorte Theater to see Loves Labors Lost and Richard 3rd. The tickets at that time (late 60’s) were free. 15 years later I went on a 10th year second honeymoon, by renting a room overlooking the park in the same hotel that Perry Como made famous in his show Christmas in NY. I remember my love riding the merry go round and getting lost in the children’s castle. She called to me from the top window saying that she couldn’t find her way out. One of the little ones led her out. Being already 10 years married I knew to keep all the cute things I thought of left unsaid. I remember our ride on the horse and buggy. Most of all walking hand in hand along the varied pathways will never leave my memory. Parks in all the boroughs are worth visiting, none are worth hating. Stay well, as always ….
  15. Good evening Rob. Unless you’re talking about snow measurement you definitely don’t want to do that. Stay well, as always …
  16. Leave it to you to come up with the next new super hero. The Marvel pantheon will never be the same. Stay well, Will. As always …
  17. Liberty if you keep this up some of the reservoir area forum members are going to start up a ‘go fund me’ thread to send you to a sanctuary desert in the southwest. Stay well, as always …..
  18. Probably both, Liberty. Anyway, I doubt the snow could have lasted in the warm glow of such a partnership. Stay well, as always ….
  19. Interesting, Will. It could become a dystopian version of ‘Cheers’. I can see the NNE crew, of that time, lamenting about the negative effect of UHI in Caribou and the rain/snow line being stuck in the Baffin Island vicinity. forky would probably petition the government to substitute feline for bug in the jerky. President Jenner would not be amused at said petition. Rjay would still be looking for payback after BxE hacked his account and put a kilt on his avatar. Thank you Will for an uplifting morning. Stay well and please don’t forget my eulogy when the time comes. Stay the same, as always….
  20. Good morning WW007. Perhaps we need an all sub forums conference to break the pattern. Of course we would need a bail bonds company on retainer. Stay well, as always ….
  21. Good morning VW and may you have many decades more weekends to celebrate with your love. As a born and raised Brooklyn Dodgers fan still waiting ( in futility ) for dem bums to come home, I recommend our most end of seasons slogan, “Wait ‘til next year”. Stay well, as always …..
  22. Just for a moment I was back at school And felt that old familiar pain And, as I turned to make my way back home The snow turned into rain Thank you Dan Fogelberg, stay well all, as always…..
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