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Everything posted by rclab

  1. When serious, full political spectrum action plans are implemented, I wonder which floor of the UN building the floating docks will be moored to. As always ...
  2. When your young p, you end up doing yourself. When your old, yourself ends up doing you. As always ...
  3. Even when the Forkster is All Wrong, as is his comment reply on Anthony’s engagement. He may actually mean well in his own disjointed way. As always ......
  4. Even if “from the mouth of babes “ is as old as forky. As always .....
  5. Be, you must have been channeling, that’s exactly what my late beloved, also a teacher, would have said. As always .....
  6. I’m not sure if using children, in the manner shown is wise, regardless of intention. The action becomes clouded by media hype and the true purpose compromised. The adult individual identified as closest to the movement becomes a very appealing target for negative comparison. More political back and forth, nicely avoiding the point into non discussion/action. “From the mouths of babes” is a spontaneous reaction to something not right or comfortable in a child’s mind. When the children start asking; “why doesn’t it snow here anymore” or later on “what is snow” the sorrowful parent/guardian will beg the question. The correct answer will already have been given by Nature, then, of course, it will be too late. As always .....
  7. My mother once told me that love is blind but marriage is an eye opener. I’m positive you and your beloved are going into your union with 20/20, May your vision remain clear even unto the night of your diamond anniversary. As always ....
  8. To change the mindset of power would probably require making the dramatic changes profitable. When will balance assert itself. Will even a catastrophe, such as ice sheet collapse, Greenland glacier disintegration, Gulf Stream interruption, Yellowstone caldera awakening, I wonder. I think of the extravagant fiction of Art Bells, The Coming Superstorm, than I stand in my Cobble Hill back yard look up and think that today’s, 86 degree, suns rays, a little over 15,000 years ago, glinted off the surface of an ice sheet almost a quarter of a mile above me. All the good intentions and the road that’s paved to, well I fear that (weather) we like it of not, a balance will be reached. I doubt it will be pleasant. As always ....
  9. Don, it’s two minutes to midnight on the atomic apocalypse/climate change doomsday clock. While an atomic conflagration, is more immediate and physically frightening I wonder if it and climate change should be linked. Theoretically, even though not likely, if an outbreak of sanity took place in the seats of power and a decision to destroy all existing atomic weapons and the means to make them, the threat would instantly diminish and the clock would roll back. The climate does not work that way. If that same out break of sanity took place regarding climate would the clock appreciably change at all. Sadly a change of mindset, while welcome, can do little to alter the path, if it reaches a point of no return. As always ....
  10. So as the Yahs and the Nays batter each other; the audience falls into a dangerous state of ennui. As I watch the fabled Northwest Passage open up every spring and wonder if Santa has flood insurance; I ponder the sad result of the above. Cover the eyes, the ears and the mouth all at the same time. What finally does get our attention may not be very pleasant. As always ......
  11. Perhaps it’s metaphysical optimism. I worry about our seeming collective uselessness in taking action. What concerns me is if we lack the concern to effectively restore balance will we like it when natural order steps in to do it for us. As always .... and thank you for your reply.
  12. So, what do you two really think about each other? As always ......
  13. Blossoms In The Dust. Even from dust (hu) man can rise.?.?. As always .......
  14. Thank you I.B. I closed my eyes and I was there. I could feel the dew as I walked, breathed and was caressed by the morning mists. The chance of actually being there is long gone. Dreams are easy and wonderful. It’s the waking that is difficult. As always .....
  15. Thinking of the heat those good folks have had this warm season, who could begrudge them that fantasy. As always ....
  16. Not really L.B. That does, however, depend, on how and where you do it. As always .....
  17. I think we should all make use of a coaster. As always ......
  18. So true. With so little time left, I have so much more to learn, so much I should have but didn’t, so much I never will and so much well .... As always, ....
  19. Be of good cheer, Anthony, S-19 is on the way. As always .......
  20. The forum seems to work that way also. As always ....
  21. Fools rush in where Angels fear to go. That person from that, street that became a river video, a month or so back sure does get around. As always ....
  22. Thank you, Unc. I liked Mr. Casper and his style of delivery. My ‘thank you’ for delivering two routes, without even being a regular, was .... I only had to deliver one route the next day. 41 years does make a difference. As always .....
  23. Your memory is sharper, Unc. I do remember Scott Muni. I also remember listening, a year or two later to HOA, Herb Oscar Anderson. He had a fine morning radio broadcast. The biggest change to rain blunder I remember was a 78 Jan or Feb storm. I was a letter carrier in Brooklyn Heights and delivered two routs that day. The motto was taken seriously. It was supposed to change to rain quickly. 13.5 inches later it finally changed to freezing drizzle. As always .....
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