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Everything posted by rclab

  1. Like other insects you may not survive the experience, my sympathies. As always.
  2. Anthony, you can remove the “in October” from your sage sentence and use it ongoing. As always .....
  3. Please be careful; the trunk may not be as forgiving on your way down. As always ....
  4. “Hell” ah mythology is no stranger to you either. As always ....
  5. My long term optimism is not as robust. “Not a certainty” well, may your fine statement be heard by whomever or whatever gives us comfort. As always .....
  6. Jay, I found the old Eastern weather forums while using Microsoft’s original web tv it was their attempt to drag us into, what was then, the technical present. I considered myself old then and that was, at your young age, before you knew what “it” was probably used for. As always....
  7. The question/plea, at least in our nation, stands; when will all of us be willing to sacrifice/suffer for the greater good of every one of us? As always .....
  8. Confession is good for the soul even when it’s not necessary, besides you were just living up to your screen name. As always ....
  9. Thank you for the attachments, Unc My father told me, when I asked him about it, that it started, got heavy and just kept going. Surface transportation ground to a halt. Many of the trolly lines, still active in the city, certainly weren’t going anywhere. My dad said he hated the snow, yet he was the first one outside when the flakes started to fall. When snow was on the ground a week or so after Christmas, he would create a snow bank, place our large dried discarded tree in it and light it up. Made for quite a brief show on Bay Ridge Oarkway/75th st. Christmas tree burning was a ritual in those days, probably a felony today. Dad was a closet weenie but until his last dat with us, I would never have had the courage to tell him.. As always .....
  10. You must have had your first experience playing in the snow during winter 60-61. If so only photos or parents/siblings could confirm. Thank you for the reply, as always .....
  11. I was in College in Ark. for the Lindsey storm and was a letter carrier for the 78, “ it’s supposed to rain disaster” I remember the radio blurbs saying the change to rain would occur very quickly. 13 inches later the were right. If you count freezing drizzle as rain. I was only 8 months old for the Dec. 47 storm, I could look it up but maybe Unc knows, off hand, if that one was a surprise or, for the time, properly forecast. As always ...
  12. Sal, why suffer here? The desert states awaits. Everything you’ve described is there. Brilliant cool to cold nights with a tapestry of stars that would rival Van Gogh's masterpiece. The days would be filled with brilliant light as the night bowed to the ascension of Ra. For you a paradise that the I 95 urban environment will not duplicate. You should rush to enjoy it, albeit being wary of the occasional rattler, scorpion and dust storm. A small price considering what your leaving behind. I’m to old for adventure I will stay, listen to and feel the rain , snow, and wind driven spray of an angry sea. May we both find peace. As always .....
  13. So would I but locally it may be difficult, ongoing, to see it any time at all. As always ......
  14. Good looking out, Anthony. Better to be prepared nice and early to deal with the salt drifts.As always .....
  15. “This Too Shall Pass” are four words that always gave me comfort. In reference to the video above I believe those four words are being answered by another four words: “Now You’ll Get Yours”. As always ......
  16. Keep the Turkey warm, and yourself also. As always ......
  17. Actually the final lyric of the theme music from the movie The Summer of 42 would be nice. As always .....
  18. Perhaps a defendant of Algernon will deposit seeds on the grounds above Charlie Gordon’s grave and the flowers will take care of themselves.
  19. Thank you also Chubbs. What frightens me is the fact, as stated, that the analysis was largely ignored. Somewhat like having a mystery where everyone, in fact, knows who did it but no one wants to admit it. And when the bell tolls it will toll for thee.
  20. When serious, full political spectrum action plans are implemented, I wonder which floor of the UN building the floating docks will be moored to. As always ...
  21. When your young p, you end up doing yourself. When your old, yourself ends up doing you. As always ...
  22. Even when the Forkster is All Wrong, as is his comment reply on Anthony’s engagement. He may actually mean well in his own disjointed way. As always ......
  23. Even if “from the mouth of babes “ is as old as forky. As always .....
  24. Be, you must have been channeling, that’s exactly what my late beloved, also a teacher, would have said. As always .....
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