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Everything posted by das

  1. Final total in Charlotte was 17.8” after the LES enhancement and late night PVA rolled thru with just some flurries flying around as some valley convergence pushes east and ends. Started the event with 3.5” on the ground. Snow depth sits at 15.1” right now.
  2. It’s funny. I got so used to being in one of the most productive microclimates there on Parr’s Ridge in Clarksburg when you and I were in the mid Atlantic forum that it’s been odd being in one of the least here in the Champlain Valley. This has been a rare coup.
  3. I’ve been under this lake-enhanced band for 2.5 hours and have 3” of fluff on top to show for it. Storm total is up to 17.4”.
  4. It's picking up nicely with radar blossoming well to the WSW. I just finished shoveling and it looked like 1/2 - 3/4" per hour rates. I'm at 13.4" as of 2:30pm.
  5. 11.3” here in Charlotte at 8am. I’ll get a water content measurement when I can find my gage under the snow. It’s pretty dense.
  6. Latest Meso from SPC: Mesoscale Discussion 0128 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0414 AM CST Fri Feb 04 2022 Areas affected...Upstate New York...central and northern Vermont...central and northern New Hampshire...and much of Maine Concerning...Heavy snow Valid 041014Z - 041615Z SUMMARY...Moderate to locally heavy snowfall -- at rates near or slightly in excess of an inch per hour in heavier bands -- is expected through this morning. DISCUSSION...Latest radar loop shows a zone of moderate to locally heavy snowfall ongoing in a band from portions of eastern/Upstate New York northeastward into Maine. The precipitation is ongoing in a zone of warm advection north and northeast of a surface low now indicated over the Blue Ridge Mountains vicinity of western Virginia, which is moving northeastward with time along quasi-stationary surface front extending from the low northeastward to southern New England. With the low not expected to deepen this morning, given very slow eastward translation of the upper system and only very weak height falls at best, the degree of low-level warm advection should remain steady. This suggests little substantial movement to the freezing/frozen precipitation transition zone with time, but instead only minor oscillations. As such, precipitation should remain in the form of snow across the discussion area. Given the cold temperatures, especially with northward extent across the region, a relatively high snow ratio (in excess of 10-1) should support rates locally in excess of an inch per hour in heavier bands. ..Goss.. 02/04/2022 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...CAR...GYX...BTV...ALY...BGM...
  7. Nice bullseye for us. I’m not going out to measure. But, looks like 10” or so so far for me, which would line up with radar returns since my midnight 6.1” ob. Long fetch of heavier returns lined up to the WSW incoming starting right now. Was cool to see the lake enhanced streamer showing through under the synoptic flow when returns were (relatively) lighter over the last few hours: Back to bed for me…
  8. 6.1” at midnight. 17°F/15°F DP and N18G26. A couple of vids and a pic, just for fun. More 30+dBZ returns incoming. IMG_0445.MOV IMG_0446.MOV
  9. NW VT obs: 19.6°f / 18°F, N18G26, just passed 5”. 35dBZ returns overhead. IMG_0437.MOV
  10. Upped to 12-18" here. They must have seen the 3k NAM.
  11. Tomorrow looks interesting. BTV 4km WRF has us subcritical and strongly blocked for 10 hours after the synoptic snows end. Simulated returns are only like 15dBZ so it will be interesting to see what the ground truth actually is. BTV4 EXPERIMENTAL Froude Number for the Greens Model run: BTV_GRID_D2D_BTV4_20220203_1200 Using the MB925 to MB850 layer. Assumes greens are orthogonal to 270 degree winds. 925-850 mb Layer Average Wind/RH. Avg QPF over the greens. Date Time Wind RH% 700 850T QPF Day mm/dd hhZ Frd# DDFF (%) RH% (C) (in) === ===== === ==== ==== === === === ==== Thu 02/03 12Z 0.76 2428 98 89 -1 0.00 Thu 02/03 13Z 0.73 2525 99 80 -2 0.00 Thu 02/03 14Z 0.69 2523 99 82 -2 0.01 Thu 02/03 15Z 0.62 2521 99 86 -2 0.02 Thu 02/03 16Z 0.50 2518 99 89 -2 0.02 Thu 02/03 17Z 0.42 2516 99 93 -2 0.02 Thu 02/03 18Z 0.38 2614 98 94 -2 0.03 Thu 02/03 19Z 0.30 2612 97 94 -3 0.03 Thu 02/03 20Z 0.21 2709 97 95 -3 0.03 Thu 02/03 21Z 0.13 3007 96 97 -4 0.03 Thu 02/03 22Z 0.07 3206 96 96 -4 0.04 Thu 02/03 23Z 0.03 3406 95 96 -5 0.04 Fri 02/04 00Z 0.01 0006 95 96 -5 0.04 Fri 02/04 01Z 0.03 0106 94 96 -5 0.03 Fri 02/04 02Z 0.05 0206 94 96 -5 0.04 Fri 02/04 03Z 0.07 0306 94 97 -5 0.05 Fri 02/04 04Z 0.08 0406 94 97 -5 0.06 Fri 02/04 05Z 0.09 0506 94 97 -5 0.08 Fri 02/04 06Z 0.10 0507 93 97 -5 0.09 Fri 02/04 07Z 0.11 0507 93 96 -6 0.11 Fri 02/04 08Z 0.14 0608 93 96 -6 0.11 Fri 02/04 09Z 0.15 0609 93 96 -6 0.10 Fri 02/04 10Z 0.16 0609 92 96 -6 0.11 Fri 02/04 11Z 0.16 0610 92 96 -6 0.10 Fri 02/04 12Z 0.17 0710 92 96 -7 0.08 Fri 02/04 13Z 0.16 0610 92 96 -7 0.06 Fri 02/04 14Z 0.15 0609 92 96 -7 0.05 Fri 02/04 15Z 0.14 0608 92 96 -7 0.03 Fri 02/04 16Z 0.11 0606 92 95 -8 0.01 Fri 02/04 17Z 0.08 0505 93 93 -8 0.01 Fri 02/04 18Z 0.05 0304 94 90 -8 0.00 Fri 02/04 19Z 0.02 0004 95 91 -9 0.00 Fri 02/04 20Z 0.03 3405 94 92 -9 0.00 Fri 02/04 21Z 0.06 3206 93 92 -10 0.01
  12. Sorry to interject into all the SNE chatter, but here's an ob from NNE on the other side of the front: 26ºF, winds N16G23 and just passed 0.5" of new snow. The infernal drip, drip, dripping has stopped and turned into icicles along the rooflines. We're starting today's snow with 3.5" left on the ground.
  13. Just flipped to snow here in Charlotte, 18mi south of the airport. We were at 36-37ºF all night and morning and just dropped 2º to 34º at the flip.
  14. Snowpack here in Charlotte went from 6" to 3" overnight. That remaining 3" is very dense and water logged. It'll be a foundational glacier here in the next 24 hours.
  15. And, the blocking here in the CPV looks more and more impressive for tomorrow afternoon.
  16. A little nowcast obs from up here in NW VT. 36ºF with light showers. The cold press is certainly delayed. Just now seeing the first evidence of it crossing the border. This is 2+ hours behind hi-rez guidance, which had already delayed it 4-6 hours starting last night.
  17. It’s 35°F, partly sunny and the dripping has begun. Have not heard that in a looooooong time.
  18. 4" of sleet in MD (2.9" liquid equivalent) in late February lasted until mid-April back in the 90's. It was glorious.
  19. 4ºF was the low here in the valley overnight. While, at the same time, it was 21ºF at the top of Whiteface at 4,800ft., 35 miles west of here. I could almost see the impinging warmth looking up. We've rocketed up to 22ºF already today. Should see 30ºF for the first time in a while later this afternoon.
  20. A big, fat goose egg. I’m at 300’, 3 miles from the eastern shore of Lake Champlain. That said, a whopping 3” or so of my 22” this year has come from blocking. So, I watch the Froude numbers closely. One day, it’ll pay off.
  21. This is my first time living in a place that is largely cut off from Atlantic or pacific moisture. I’ve spent this entire winter forlornly looking south for any real transport from the gulf. What a waste of cold air it’s been for the past 45 days. This one holds some promise…
  22. OMG,you nearly made me fall off of the treadmill.
  23. +100. Quasigeostrophic motion FTW. Confluence at the lower levels, a strong right rear quad jet and and Gulf moisture transport from the decent lower level jet just might come together really well here Thursday night.
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