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Everything posted by das

  1. I don’t know why but the snow blower stripe on the tree trunk cracks me up.
  2. I’m at a whopping 22.4” for the season but, at least, it’s looked like this since the middle of December. (taken just now out my front door). I do miss the big coastals from MD but I love the constant cold and snowpack.
  3. The cold was indeed legit. Here in the Champlain Valley, we were a tad below (horizontal advection) ground blizzard criteria with 6 hours of steady north winds of 16-21mph with gusts between 24-31mph for the duration. There was only two hourly obs of snowfall for the entire storm (some lake-enhanced diamond dust) and the high was 1°F with a low of -8°F. I’m about 18mi south of Burlington. There were some vertical advection components to the storm here with numerous 100m snow devils, likely terrain and lake-enhanced induced since I am just southeast of the lake.
  4. Was the same in the valley. 2 hours, 2.5”, 3/8mi visibility.
  5. How was it down in MD? I think the house in Clarksburg got to 4.5" before the flip.
  6. Just passed 6" here in the valley with the ULL starting to channel some convergence. Looks like the flow continues to waiver just east and west of south which is really helping to mitigate any shadowing. 29ºF and steady for the last 4 hours here at 300' with visibilities ranging between 1/2mi and 3/4mi as the waves move on through. Just have to make it to ~4pm after which any risk of mixing goes away.
  7. Hush, you. Remember, guidance picks up the big ones early.
  8. 2.8” was the final all the way out here on the west coast of New England. Was sitting at a paltry (and expected) 1.4” when the wraparound picked up some moisture off of the lakes and dropped another 1.4” over 2.5 hours late afternoon.
  9. I’ll just have piles after the rain down here in the valley. It’s been a miserable year so far, for sure.
  10. And, something more weather related: look at these mesovorticies in the eye wall, two hours after “landfall”. Incredible.
  11. Now that the storm is ashore, a slightly banter-ish comment: that WebCam in Grand Isle deserves the storm chaser of the year award. It’s getting sandblasted from the backside now that the water has receded.
  12. It's snowing all the way down to 300' here in the Champlain Valley. Woo!
  13. Like my old mentor used to say: “never ever ever predict a record and you’ll have a fine career”.
  14. omg. OMG. O. M. G. The black flies are horrific. Never have I ever been in a place where I can't outrun a freakin' fly. They draft behind your head, ala NASCAR, and then make you go yelping down the path at top speed flailing your arms about like an absolute lunatic when they bore a hole in your neck. OMG. And the bite itches and hurts for hours. The idyllic Vermont scenes on the Hallmark Channel never prepared me for this BS.
  15. 31F / 21F here in the Champlain Valley. Snow started 30 minutes ago. 1/2mi visibility. Mostly individual dendrites with some conglomerated groups.
  16. This has nothing to do with model performance. It’s not called modelology. If your forecast is based on model read outs rather than an understanding of cloud physics, fluid dynamics and numerical weather prediction comprehension, it’s not a forecast at all.
  17. Nice post. And great link to the Reeves paper. For those of you interested in helping numerical weather prediction to iterate to better outcomes by aligning this this math and code with observed data, do your citizen science part and use mPING to submit your real-time obs. These next couple of dynamic storms will be a great opportunity to gather good data on the morphology of precipitation types.
  18. Maybe the NWP scoring analysts all live in Bolivia.
  19. I always just call it styrofoam.
  20. 40-44dBZ SN radar returns are legit.
  21. I forgot to have the roommate turn on the back yard lights so I’ll have to live vicariously thru your reports. <>edited to add: 31.8°F/32°F there at the house in Clarksburg>>
  22. 33°F/32°F in Clarksburg with SN. Dirty snow is white again, new snow on all elevated surfaces. Man, the radar sure looks juiced to the WSW entering WV along the low level jet. It will be interesting to see where the heaviest snow sets up running west-east in MD.
  23. Oops, posted obs in the other (wrong) thread. Just passed 2" here in NW VT. Looks like the 1-3" will be more like 2-4" up here. 16F/15F, calm wind.
  24. Looking like good guidance for here in NW VT. Just passed 2" at 11am here. 16F/15F, calm wind.
  25. It was pretty vigorous. I just passed 7" here in Charlotte and 3.5" of it came in 1h45m from 3:45pm to 5:30pm. The convergence was definitely greater 20mi to the north in Milton so it's likely a legit measurement as they were under it for like 3 hours and they started with 4 or or so already while I only had a measly 2.5" when it started. Steady snow still going here. It's going to be a nice 24 hours upcoming as waves of moisture continue to wrap around the GOM low.
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