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Everything posted by winterwx21

  1. 95 with a dewpoint of 67 here. Very hot, but doesn't feel horrible with the humidity not terribly high. I see some models are now showing storms for thursday. That's a change, but I know it's hard to predict convection days in this type of pattern.
  2. The dewpoint is down to 62 here. I was outside cutting the lawn, and it didn't feel bad at all with the humidity fairly low and a nice breeze. High temp made it to 94 here.
  3. You keep saying storms with the front wednesday, but right now the models are indicating the front will come through late tuesday. So storms on tuesday but it would be nice with lower humidity wednesday. Unless the timing of the front slows down.
  4. Thankfully those 12z models were wrong, especially HRRR which really missed this. A great job by wdrag! As others said, a great storm here in northern Middlesex county. Probably the best lightning show in the last couple years along with 40 to 50mph wind gusts and over 2 inches of rain. Really glad we didn't miss out!
  5. Models for our area aren't as impressive as they looked yesterday. HRRR isn't showing much activity. Looks as if the storms for our area today will be very isolated. At least we have another chance tomorrow if today doesn't deliver.
  6. I see 18z RGEM has a really nice line of storms for tomorrow. Models like RGEM and HRRR really picking up on the convection for tomorrow that the EC would miss, as you said. Looks like a nice severe weather day tomorrow.
  7. Yeah, I do too. It definitely makes you feel good about the shape you're in when you can do major running in this type of heat. Most people can't do it, and of course they shouldn't try unless they're in great shape. You really need to be in great shape to do serious running in this type of heat.
  8. It really makes a big difference when the dewpoints are in the 60s rather than the 70s. I went for outdoor dining for brunch today (pancakes) and it really didn't feel that bad with a dewpoint of 63. In fact I went for a 7 mile run during the evening yesterday when the dewpoint was 67, and it didn't feel bad at all. But when I run when the dewpoint is in the 70s, it really feels hot.
  9. Yeah the dewpoint is down to 60 here now and might fall to the upper 50s this afternoon. Very hot, but doesn't feel too bad out there with the low humidity.
  10. The heaviest part of that cell went a few miles to my south, but we still had a pretty heavy downpour and gusty winds (30 to 35mph). I got 0.44" from it. And another tiny cell came through a little while ago and dropped a quick 0.10". Really glad we finally broke our drought here in Piscataway! Over a half inch today and three quarters of an inch from a t-storm a few days ago, and of course the big 2 and half inches of rain from the tropical storm yesterday. Won't have to water for quite awhile.
  11. Yeah, it has been coming down in buckets. We're up to 2.5" of rain and some flooding is happening. Looks as if the worst of the rain is over now, but there still should be a few more downpours to get us over 3 inches of rain. I'm very happy that I won't have to water the garden for awhile.
  12. Yeah, it's been pouring here for awhile. Some thunder and some 25 to 30mph wind gusts, but the main thing is the plants are getting much needed water. The rain is now tapering off and we have close to three quarters of an inch of rain here, the most we've had in Piscataway in a long time. Glad I can finally stop watering the vegetable garden.
  13. We did finally get a decent downpour here. Low end heavy rain for awhile that did get us up close to a quarter inch for the day. Nothing great, but at least enough to finally give the garden a decent watering.
  14. I'm so jealous. Amazing how the storms keep slipping just a few miles to my southeast.
  15. That big storm missed just a few miles to the south and east. Another less intense cell did form behind it and gave us some moderate rain, but not enough to give things a good watering. Plenty of other storms around, so hopefully something will hit here later. Maybe those storms to the north of Plainfield will drift south.
  16. And that big storm is missing us by just a few miles here in Piscataway yet again. Just like every storm last week. This is becoming so ridiculous it's comical. It's so dry here that yellow/brown leaves are falling off the trees into my yard, yet just a few miles away there has been plenty of rain in the last week. How does every single storm always miss us?
  17. Sounded like a war zone here last night. By far the most fireworks I've ever heard and seen. Tons and tons of big-time illegal stuff. I lit off a lot of stuff myself. It was a fun night. I didn't see police busting anyone in this area. I think they realized that people should be able to light off stuff and have fun themselves this year since most fireworks displays were cancelled.
  18. 95 degrees here now, but the dewpoint has fallen to 56. At least its a dry heat today. Models are showing scattered heavy storms for tomorrow, so hoping for a dowpour here tomorrow. The ground is absolutely parched.
  19. I'm glad you ended up getting a great storm, even though I'm very jealous (lol). I would have been in it had my location been just a couple miles to the east. The eastern sky looked as if the end of the world was happening ... pitch black and lots of lightning. Very frustrating to be so close to a great storm. I did water the vegetable garden this afternoon, because I had a feeling the storms would miss me again tonight. It has been a week of horrendous luck here. Hopefully better luck next week.
  20. I don't know how this happens to my area every single time. I lost count of the number of storms that have missed me by just a few miles this week. It's mind boggling. Now to add insult to injury, the storms in Somerset county will miss me to the south as they move into central and southern Middlesex county. No water for the garden this week, despite so many storms around.
  21. And yet again, it missed me by just a couple miles to the east. I was on the edge so I only got a brief moderate shower. A few hundreths of an inch of rain. I'm ending up with not even a tenth of an inch of rain for the whole week, what a joke. The ground is parched.
  22. Yeah that shower missed me a few miles to the east. I was on the edge of it so only got a few sprinkles. RGEM did a good job showing a few storms popping close to our area today, but unfortunately nothing for me again. Much more numerous storms tomorrow so hopefully we'll cash in. I might lose it if I don't get a downpour tomorrow, lol.
  23. Missed me a few miles to the east of course, as it dropped down through the Edison area.
  24. Yeah it's horrible. I hope we finally have some better luck tomorrow with the scattered storms that are expected. Today the chance looks extremely slim (maybe a 10% chance) with very isolated storms but you never know. RGEM does keep showing a couple storms popping up close to our area today.
  25. Yep, what else is new. Had just a couple of showers here. Radar looked good, but what was on track to hit us good weakened. Another cell developed and missed me just to the west, going into Somerset county. The rain got moderate for a brief minute as I was near the edge of that cell. Not enough to water the garden. Amazing how many different heavy storms just missed me today. The luck is so bad it's comical. I'm looking at radar now and seeing another batch of storms moving SSE through Morris county, but it looks as if those will miss us slightly to the west as they move down into Somerset county.
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