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Everything posted by winterwx21

  1. Everyone is different. I lost 30 pounds through exercise alone. My diet was pretty good, but I was gaining weight as the years went by as my metabolism slowed down. Then I started running, and after 4 or 5 months the 30 pounds was gone. If I go out for a 7 mile run, that burns about 800 calories. If I do it 5 days a week, that's about 4000 calories burned in a week. That explains how you can lose 30 pounds in several months with exercise and not changing the diet. Of course you can do it with mainly diet and no exercise too, as you said. But some people don't like the idea of eating much less and being hungry all the time. I'd rather eat a little more and go out there and burn 800 calories with a run. Also, studies show that most people don't keep lost weight off if they did it through diet alone, but they do keep it off if they do it through a combo of diet and exercise. Obviously because you can burn off extra calories with extra exercise if you slip up and eat a little more than you're supposed to. So I'd say diet and exercise are equally important.
  2. Obviously heart/lung health is especially critical during this pandemic, because we know that this virus attacks the heart and lungs of many people. Most people that die from this virus die because the lungs or heart give out. So this isn't just about the weight issue ... exercise strengthens the heart and lungs which reduces the chance of dying from Covid. So it's just another reason why exercise can help during the pandemic. There's no question there would be much less deaths if more people exercised. And again I just do not understand why anyone would take offense over medical advice that can help reduce hospitalizations and deaths during a pandemic. Most people don't take offense, but a small percentage of people do. They misunderstand it for fat shaming or trolling, but it isn't those things at all. Talk to any doctor and they will tell you that exercise reduces risk of having severe problems with Covid. Obviously it doesn't eliminate it, but it reduces it which is a good thing.
  3. And the studies show that risk of severe covid increases with each level of overweight and obesity, so even just losing a little weight can help. Too bad some people take offense so easily. This is not about fat shaming at all. It's about trying to save lives, because there are plenty of people that don't know about the weight issue with Covid.
  4. That's when you know that a person knows that they're wrong, when they can't even respond to a good point. You're going against proven medical science, and that's something that no intelligent person can deny. And weird that you take offense so easily. No wonder you've had so much trouble getting along with people on these boards for years.
  5. It's not just that. Here is a quote... "Given the significant threat Covid-19 represents to individuals with obesity, healthy food policies can play a supportive - and especially important role in Covid-19 mortality and morbidity," Barry Popkin, Ph.D., professor of of nutrition at the UNC Gillings School Of Public Health said at the time of the CDC study. Your attitude on this is just puzzling, wxtrix. Medical experts trying to help people to reduce risk is not fat shaming.
  6. I never said from obese to normal weight in weeks. I know that takes much more time. But you can go from overweight to normal weight in a matter of weeks, especially if only slightly overweight.
  7. Of course there are people who are not overweight that are having issues with Covid. But they are a much smaller percentage. For people that are overweight it's a much higher percentage. Just read the studies from the CDC and UT Southwestern. The statistics are overwhelming. You are going against medical science with your attitude.
  8. Most people would agree that that's a bad way of looking at it. It's better having a slight risk of something bad happening than a high risk. There are medical experts talking about how people can reduce risk of a bad outcome from Covid by losing weight. It's something worth talking about because it can save lives.
  9. Of course it does not make you safe from Covid, but it does reduce risk somewhat. Would you rather have a high risk, or a lower risk? You're not using common sense.
  10. I guess that's why the CDC and UT Southwestern are putting out studies showing that being overweight greatly increases the risk of bad outcomes with Covid. This is about saving lives, not fat shaming. You have top medical experts talking about this. There is absolutely nothing wrong with talking about what people can do to reduce Covid risks. Puzzling that some people take offense to this. Trying to save lives is a good thing.
  11. It's not irrelevant because all it takes is a matter of weeks to reduce things like weight and blood pressure, which reduces the chance of severe outcomes with Covid. This is a long term pandemic, so there's always time for people to do things to reduce risk.
  12. I am not fat shaming at all. I would NEVER make fun of anyone for being overweight. This is about saving lives. Any medical expert will tell you that reducing weight reduces the chance of having a bad outcome with Covid. The CDC put out a major study on that a few weeks ago. I'm sure you heard about Prime Minister Boris Johnson almost dying from Covid earlier this year. Afterwards he said his weight was the main reason that happened. Since then he lost a lot of weight and started a major government anti obesity program over there. Is he fat shaming by starting that program? Your attitude on this is really bad. Don't know what your problem is. Of course no one deserves a bad outcome due to their weight. But people deserve to know what to do to reduce their chance of having a bad outcome. Just WOW at your attitude.
  13. Definitely. 2 hours is enough to have major benefits. And yeah it's a Covid thread. Exercise is a way to reduce Covid risks, so I think it's worth talking about. Not only because people in great shape through exercise are at much lower risk of being a severe case if they catch Covid, but exercise also reduces the risk of catching a virus. When you exercise, immune cells are sent all over the body which can choke off invading viruses. So I think it's important for people to know how important exercise is at a time like this.
  14. I think most people can squeeze in 4 or 5 hours a week for exercise, especially since it's SO important for health. George W. Bush told them he HAD to have an hour for exercise every day. I think if the President of The United States can find enough time for exercise, most people should be able to. And I would think many people would want to prioritize it since it is proven to extend life. We know that people that exercise regularly live longer than people that don't. I would think most people would rather live to 85 than drop dead of a heart attack at 60. Squeezing in those exercise hours is worth it.
  15. Exactly. I run around the block for about an hour, at a brisk 8 to 9 minute per mile pace, 5 days a week. 5 hours of exercise out of an entire week doesn't seem like that much, and it's enough that it has enormous health benefits. It caused me to lose 30 pounds and keep it off, and my resting heart rate is down to 36 which is elite athlete level. Blood pressure is nice and low. You really don't need much to get into great shape. Just a decent pair of running shoes and several hours a week. Very true that you can't outrun a bad diet, but running does allow you to cheat a little more. You can eat some junkfood, as long as you keep up the exercise and eat healthy most of the time. I usually eat completely healthy (lean fish/chicken and lots of vegetables) 5 days a week, and the other 2 days I allow myself to have some junkfood (maybe a donut with brunch, pizza or cheeseburger for dinner or cake for dessert). My weight stays at 135 pounds because I'm burning so many calories with the running. The running that I do burns about 4000 calories a week, so it allows me to enjoy some unhealthy foods a couple days a week. I know it's unrealistic to expect people to eat healthy ALL the time, so exercise is very important to strike a balance.
  16. I'm talking about things that should be done to not have as bad of a pandemic. If most people were normal weight and in good shape, there would be much less hospitalizations and deaths. Of course mask wearing and social distancing results in much less hospitalizations and deaths. Yes they are very different approaches, but both work well. Both should be preached.
  17. Yeah I don't think we could exercise our way out of the pandemic completely, but we could make the pandemic less severe if most people improved their health through exercise. Which is why I feel health authorities should be pushing the exercise point as much as they push the mask wearing/social distancing point, but unfortunately you don't hear them do that much. Unfortunately there are a lot of people that don't realize that you can reduce risk through an exercise program.
  18. There are always exceptions, and obviously your cousin is one unfortunately. But the overwhelming majority of healthy althletes that get Covid get mild symptoms or no symptoms at all. Look at all the baseball and football players that have tested positive. Almost all have had very mild symptoms or no symptoms. I am a runner with an elite athlete heart (resting heart rate of 36) and had Covid back in April. All I had was a scratchy throat, slight headache and small amount of congestion for 3 days. Doctor said being in great shape is what caused it to be so mild for me. You greatly increase the chance of being a very mild case by being in great shape, but of course there will always be some unlucky exceptions like your cousin. I hope he gets better very soon.
  19. The exact number for the US population being overweight is 72%. If you look at this study, 85% of hospitalized people under 50 were overweight compared to 54% of people over age 70. The number is much lower for older people because many older people have underlying health conditions that put them at higher risk, despite what their weight is. So the point of the study is that the protective benefit of being younger is lost if you're overweight or obese. But of course people can reduce their chance of having a severe problem with Covid even as they get older through an exercise program, which reduces underlying health conditions like hypertension and heart disease. The statistics are overwhelming in showing that most people that die from the virus have underlying health conditions, so eating healthy and exercising is critical to reduce the risk.
  20. Don't know how many people here saw this, but about a week ago there was a study from UT Southwestern that showed that 85% of hospitalized Covid-19 patients under the age of 50 in the US are either overweight or obese... https://medicalxpress.com/news/2020-11-overweight-obese-younger-people-greater.html For awhile the CDC has been talking about how much worse Covid-19 is for overweight individuals, but this study shows that it's especially important for younger folks. The protective effect of being young is completely lost if you're overweight or obese. It's VERY important to get this message out there. Changing to a healthier diet and exercising a lot can mean the difference between being a mild case or ending up in the hospital and at risk of death. We know the United States has a terrible obesity epidemic. A staggering three quarters of Americans are either overweight or obese. This is a big reason why the pandemic has been much worse in the United States than most other countries. The other big reason, of course, is our idiot President encouraging his followers to not take the virus seriously and not wear masks. But back to the overweight/obesity issue. Imagine how many less hospitalizations and deaths we'd have if the majority of people kept their weight down down through exercise and better diet. We know this virus preys upon overweight people. I think so many health experts in this country have been doing a bad job getting the message out there that HEALTH (diet and exercise to achieve normal weight and reduce underlying health conditions like hypertension, heart disease and diabetes) is absolutely critical in fighting back against this pandemic. Of course mask wearing and social distancing is critical, but I feel that getting into good shape to reduce the chance of having a severe problem if you catch the virus is just as important. Very important to get this message out there.
  21. Just amazing weather for these outdoor activities. I'm not into fishing, but I do a lot of deer hunting. This weather has been incredible for the bow hunting season!
  22. Looking like a very long stretch of days with high temps well into the 60s, starting on thursday. No sign of any cool shot for a long time. November looking like a warm month. Great for late season outdoor activities. I agree with Allsnow. Let the cold wait until December when there's a better chance it will matter as far as snow chances.
  23. Really warm pattern starting next thursday. We might not be done with 70 degrees, but mid 60s at least.
  24. Yeah after the brief cold shot monday into tuesday, we quickly bounce back to 60 degrees wednesday and that looks like the start of a prolonged warmer than normal pattern.
  25. Yeah after the heavy rain from the remnants of the tropical system and cold shot at the end of the week that could give us our first freeze, it's looking like an extended warm pattern in early November. Week of November 2nd should be well above normal temps.
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