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About NJwx85

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Clarkstown, NY

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  1. Fingers crossed. Headed to the Caribbean and then the Bahamas.
  2. Same at my house in Bardonia. Someone called into WFAN and reported golf ball sized hail in Croton from that cell. Also a tornado, but it probably wasn't an actual tornado.
  3. Prime snow season ends around here the middle of next week. After that sun angle becomes a growing problem for anything that falls during the day. Heck, it was even somewhat of an issue yesterday in the immediate costal plain and the city.
  4. We deserve a nice and mild start to Spring after the last few years.
  5. The 12z RGEM has a really solid event here. Around 0.2 to 0.3" QPF could easily be a 3-5" event with high ratios expected. There should be a quick moving area of enough lift to give a few hour burst of moderate to locally heavy snow.
  6. I think we’re good for the next 4 hours or so. After that the back edge will be rapidly approaching.
  7. I was pretty much on board with NYC snow yesterday but was skeptical that rates would be heavy enough along the coast to overcome BL issues enough to get over 6”. Clearly the models were too weak and too far South with the banding. Kudos to the GFS and Canadian models which never shifted like the Euro and NAM did. I always say how unstable the NAM is but people here love it because it often shows them what they want to see only to completely change most times a run later.
  8. About 4” here so far on elevated cold surfaces like my patio table. About half that on the ground. Very light snow here currently and 30 degrees.
  9. https://x.com/jhomenuk/status/1757243488364560530?s=46&t=wnL9UkNay47lChNZhqU2Pw
  10. Here's the incoming flight into Orlando. https://www.flightaware.com/live/flight/DAL2082/history/20240212/2100Z/KLGA/KMCO They will probably reassign the aircraft to a different route. All of the airlines are going to be pulling assets out of the NY airports until things settle down.
  11. They do this a lot. Trying to mitigate problems down the line, however they haven't cancelled anything for tomorrow morning yet.
  12. How many of these winter storm warnings will be dropped completely or downgraded by tonight?
  13. If 2-4 or 3-6 ends up verifying then fine. We could end up with way less than that up here.
  14. Don't be surprised when the 00z runs end up even further South. Most school districts around here have already called closings for tomorrow. I understand what the forecast was showing but there was no need to pull the trigger this early.
  15. If that's your take you really do need to go back to school and learn geography.
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