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Everything posted by kat5hurricane

  1. Yep, close to 4" here in Whitestone about 5 minutes from LGA which measured a little over 2.
  2. It's impossible to measure with all the drifts but I'd say about a 11-12 inches in Whitestone. The good thing about the drifts is that it left some relatively bare ground in spots for the dog to do his business. That weenie band bear Boston is absurd. That's an all timer for them.
  3. Just took the dog out, who wanted no part of it and refused to do the #2 business (argh). I'd say about 5-6 inches in Whitestone but it's blowing around so impossible to measure. Not snowing too hard, seems like the best rates will remain east of the city as expected but really good storm regardless. COLD storm.
  4. Been a steady light snow for most of the evening but has noticeably picked up in the last hour. Just took the dog for a walk and I'd say about 1.5 inches with moderate snow. Didn't expect this so soon, it just has the feel of an overperformer.
  5. This is the first weenie I've handed out on this site. Congrats on the distinct honor.
  6. Uh, the potential for more is still there and 6-10 locally give or take a little was always the forecast. There is no "fail" if the huge totals don't pan out unless you are a 6z nam hugger. With all due respect, some of these comments are ridiculous. Storm hasn't even played out and there's still a ton of uncertainty in terms of where the best banding sets up etc. Just chill and let it play out.
  7. Honestly, the Euro totals are pretty much in line with a lot of forecasts. I think too many people got sucked in by the 6z nam and started to expect historical totals just about everywhere when in reality, very few models were spitting out more than a foot west of Nassau. It's still a very delicate setup so at this point, it's about the mesos and nowcasting to see where the banding sets up.
  8. This is the lull between the models being pretty much locked in and the beginning of the event. Not much to do at this point but wait and watch the satellite/radar.
  9. It seems pretty clustered to me. The few renegade eastern ones are skewing the mean.
  10. Just took a look at the rgem and I don't see much of a difference at all. The low ticked slightly east but it was also stronger. The precip shield looked largely unchanged. Model noise as mentioned above.
  11. I wouldn't worry unless other models follow the same look (would like to see that double barrel low disappear) but really, we're getting down to nowcast time anyway.
  12. Steady light snow that's wet on the main roads yet, somehow, my commute into work took twice as long as it usually does.
  13. It's just one run though and considering the wild swings of this model, it shouldn't be taken seriously even the day of the event. In other words, don't get too high or too low on any one run, look at the overall trends. I saw the 6z nam and thought it looked nice but also knew that it was just one of those "nam" things.
  14. Odd to see some posters being disappointed as if the 6z Nam was gospel. Most on this forum who have been around long enough should better than that.
  15. Predictable. The Nam always has one insane run then corrects towards the other guidance. I expect the same from the GFS in the other direction as we near consensus. It almost always happens leading up to these big storms.
  16. It's why PDII was my favourite event. Around 24 hours of light to moderate then about 12-15 hours of moderate to heavy. Long duration storms are always the best.
  17. I've seen this play out many times in my experience on the eve of big storms. The Nam has that one bonkers run that you cut the totals in half to get a true depiction and will correct itself by 12z while the rgem and GFS are too conservative and will usually correct itself upwards by 12z. As usual, blend them all and I think a good forecast is 4-8+ well north and west, 8-12+ for NYC and immediate burbs, 12-18+ for Nassau, 18+ for Suffolk.
  18. I want to extend my condolences as well @Joe4alb I lost my father a little over 10 years ago when he was only 57 so I can relate. Hopefully the snowstorm gives you some joy.
  19. And the Forkfather has spoken again. Lets go west gents.
  20. Oh I know, I was being somewhat facetious and I know how mentioning a storm name triggers everybody
  21. Holy. This is oh so close to getting just about everybody on this forum completely in the game and it's still trending.
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