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Everything posted by kat5hurricane

  1. Another gorgeous weather weekend, lots of beach and pool time. We've been really spoiled this month, one of the best weather Augusts that I can remember.
  2. And most fell in about 15-20 minutes then the sun was out immediately after and humidity ratcheted up. Felt like a Florida shower.
  3. Got caught out in a deluge in Whitestone, didn't expect that. Sitting in my car waiting for it to pass
  4. Amazing stretch of weather. It almost feels fall-like the last few mornings. Dare I say....hoodie weather?
  5. The best August that I can remember. Beautiful weekends, lots of nice weekdays, just enough rain mixed in and a couple of great thunderstorms depending where you are. Seems like the next week will be more of the same, perfect for outdoor activities.
  6. Yep, same here in Whitestone. Some huge branches down as I just walked outside. Looks like Round 2 is nearing.
  7. Saw one at a parking lot near Yankee Stadium a few weeks ago then this past Saturday morning, again (oddly), in a parking lot at a nearby Mall in Whitestone. Never seen one before this year.
  8. The last 2 weeks for the most part have been stellar. The weekends have been....chefs' kiss. One of the nicest 2 weeks of summer weather in a long time.
  9. This might be the best 4 day mid summer stretch that I've ever experienced. Picture perfect weather for outside activities.
  10. Constant lighting, plenty of loud thunder and now torrential rain. One of the best storms in my area in a while. These pop up storms really deliver when they hit as opposed to lines.
  11. Agreed, I said the same earlier in the thread and got weenied. This "heatwave" was overblown. It was hot but not excessively hot perhaps due to this type of heat becoming the norm in recent years. There was a bit of a breeze that made the air feels less stagnant so that helped.
  12. It's hot but not excessively hot, at all, and I'm right in the middle of the Manhattan Heat Jungle. Maybe I've become too accustomed to our new climate.
  13. Pitch Dark in midtown, thunder increasing, radar looks menacing. I'm eager with anticipation
  14. Pitch dark in Midtown.
  15. It's a steambath out there. Typical of the last several summers of temperatures that aren't extraordinarily high but really high humidity making it feel oppressive.
  16. Just came in from outside to escape some real vivid lightning, not much rain though.
  17. Pouring here in Whitestone. Sunny at my friend's house in Franklin Square where the party is at later. Big difference between North and South shore
  18. First day that it's felt like summer since ...I don't know when.
  19. I'm aware of that but the official start of summer is June 21st unless something has changed that I'm unaware of. Also, there's no way you can sell me on September being a fall month. It can be argued that we get more summer weather in September than June especially in the last few decades. September might be considered meteorological fall but the weather doesn't vibe with that.
  20. It's actually a bit chilly this morning. This spring feels like The Ice Age compared to the last 10 years and it's not too far off from the old normal.
  21. Yeah, I work in the MetLife building right above Grand Central which has been remodeled a bunch of times and it's still not enough to keep the smell out. I actually feel a little light headed and I'm as healthy as anybody.
  22. I now smell the smoke at work, INSIDE the building. The end is near folks.
  23. Same here. Got home from work at around 6:30 and didn't smell anything then went out at around 8 and it smelled like a giant campfire. It felt and looked like the end of days out there.
  24. Because this is normal late April weather and 90s isn't. This shouldn't be surprising to anybody.
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