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Everything posted by kat5hurricane

  1. Team Torch seems to be having a good old time with the developments of this "winter". You guys are in all your glory with this ratter, eh? Honestly, I'm ready for Spring. Going to Tampa for a week in early March (when it'll probably snow here) and I'm already there mentally.
  2. Epic here in Midtown and longer lasting than I thought, almost 20 minutes of heavy stuff and it got real powdery in the last 5 minutes. Starting to wind down now. Roads pretty wet though, surprisingly.
  3. They should have issued a Salt Storm warning yesterday. I got caught in a Heavy Salt Storm late last night coming home from Oceanside. Nothing on Long Island then once I hit the Queens side of the Cross Island, I see about an inch of salt on the road then I had an unfortunate clash with the salt truck that laid down the salt so I went through a Saltout as I neared it and immediately pulled back as it pelted my car at an alarming rate and stayed back until my exit neared. Seriously, WTF is wrong with them? Between everybody flooding the supermarkets 2 weeks ago for the impending rainstorm as if the apocalypse was upon us and these salt demons the last few months, I feel like society has gone mad.
  4. It's lunacy that anybody would say this in late January with such certainty. Do you have any meterological reasoning to back this up outside of being a disgruntled snow lover? As we've seen many times in the past 15 years especially, there's been plenty of thread the needle snow events in less than ideal conditions. All it takes is one popping up on the models in the mid range to change the entire mood around here. I don't know what flip flops more, the long term models or some AmericanWX posters
  5. I wouldn't give up on this year, just look at last year for reference when the pattern flipped like a switch but we are due for a dud and soon, it's inevitable. Honestly, I don't mind it too much. I'm not old and I'm in good shape but I tire of digging out constantly like I have the last 5 years so I don't mind having a year of reprieve.
  6. The 30+ inches for 5 years straight isn't enough for you? We're living in the Golden Era of snow, some of you expect 50+ inches every year as if it was the norm. I get what you're saying as those were amazing winters but lets put this in perspective, we've been very spoiled. Also, I personally loved '14-'15 the most outside of any year since '95-'96, that's as close to wall to wall winter as we could get here in the immediate NYC era. Snowcover for about 90 days straight, 6-10 inch type storms every week to refresh the pack, winter wonderland. I do love my KU storms but I prefer '14-'15 with a bunch of cold, moderate to significant storms over '15-'16 with one blockbuster and little else.
  7. Lets be honest, most snow threats are thread the needle for the coast and immediate NYC metro area. That's what makes this last two decade run pretty much a once in a lifetime stretch outside of a few years with everything coming together perfectly at the right time on so many occasions. We're due a bad luck winter or three, law of averages. Not saying this winter will finish as a ratter but we've been really spoiled the last 15 or so years and should put it all in perspective.
  8. The supermarket was packed today and the shelves were empty compared to normal, it was ridiculous. They saw Winter Storm Watch yesterday and went bonkers. The writing was on the wall for the coastal region a couple of days ago. I'm just glad that the ice threat is gone now.
  9. This will likely be the bigger story on the coast, not the storm.
  10. Well, the Ukie pulled me back in. We're going to need the Euro to come on board and soon. Still a lot of model spread and we're getting pretty close.
  11. Since it seems like a big snow event is becoming a remote possibility for the coast, I'm hoping for a north trend and plain rain. No interest in an ice storm.
  12. The guidance is still trending and there's a lot of evolving factors so IMO, it would be foolish to write off any scenario now.
  13. Yes I know that and he's right about what the Euro is showing. What I'm contesting is him saying that the all snow event near the coast "isn't happening, period". It's too early to make definitive statements. In any event, we should all pray that this trends colder or warmer because, verbatim, these recent model runs are depicting a disastrous ice storm. I prefer 50 and rain over what the Euro is showing.
  14. How can you say so definitively when reliable models are showing all or at least mostly snow just north of the coast? Everything from big snowstorm to big rainstorm is still on the table at this juncture.
  15. I'm just saying that it's way too early to make any definitive statements. We'll get better sampling and more model consensus once the system is onshore. All we know now is that there will be a sizeable storm in the area this weekend.
  16. This is why people shouldn't live and die with every model run so far out, the system isn't even on shore yet. Now watch the Ukie cave to the 12z GFS and towels will be thrown in again.
  17. The same posters were posting on their "days off" during the warm times. I've browsed this forum for enough years to know the tendencies of certain posters. It's no big deal, everybody has their biases, but I just found it interesting is all and am just having some fun with it. No harm no foul
  18. I find it interesting that Team Torch were the predominant posters throughout the snowless first half of Met Winter, disappear over the weekend when the models trended cold and snowy/icy for next weekend then all of a sudden reappear magically when the models start torching again. Like clockwork In any event, nobody should be declaring anything snow or not 5-6 days in advance. As we know all too well, the models will flip flop the next several days (windshield wiper effect) so in other words, lets check back in on Thursday. The signal is there for a big storm, that's all we know at this point.
  19. Surely you can understand the frustration though from those of those who have had 4-5 hour commutes home. Lots of perhaps misguided frustration comes out in the heat of the moment during times like these.
  20. Not many other options with a lot of trains also running slow or suspended and what good would a cab do? I was thinking about going back to the job and sleeping over but nah. I just hope my bladder holds up lol
  21. My bus has moved about half a block in about 2 hours. Went from 45th and 3rd to 51st and 3rd in 4 hours. What a joke
  22. The city is crippled by 6 inches of snow. Sad state of affairs. City officials better wear a lot of egg on their face for this debacle.
  23. It's nice that we cashed in and made history and I love snow like most here but I absolutely hate it right now as I'm sure most who are stranded do. The timing couldn't be worse.
  24. Stuck on the bus in Midtown. We've moved about 3 blocks since 5:30. What an absolute nightmare, the city got caught completely unprepared. I might as well go to a hotel nearby right now and go to work in the same clothes tomorrow because I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. I can only imagine what the roads in Whitestone are like.
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