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Everything posted by kat5hurricane

  1. I believe it. I live about 5 minutes from there and the wind is really intense. Going to take the dog out in a little while, that should be a fun ride.
  2. Agreed. Wind is much more interesting IMO. I'd rather be on the east side of this storm from a weather enthusiast point of view.
  3. Wind has gone from gusty to nuts here. There must have been a few 60+ mph gusts mixed in. Building shakers
  4. Went from nothing to torrential rain in the blink of an eye in Whitestone. Winds slowly picking up
  5. There are still going to be wind impacts. It's pick your poison with this system, rain impact to the west vs. wind impact to the east.
  6. That was some fierce ass wind here in Whitestone for a quick 10 minutes or so, torrential rain too and then it was gone just like that.
  7. Continuous vivid lightning in Whitestone. First storm this season with this much lightning. Clouds are facing too, beautiful storm visually.
  8. No way. NYC is going to see prolific totals. Outside of a brief lull, the rain has been torrential for a good 2 hours now with more to come.
  9. Crushing rain in Whitestone, was just out walking my dog in a monsoon. Wind picking up too
  10. Crazy. What's interesting is that there was no lightning before or after, just some distant thunder. That's why I got spooked, there was no build up.
  11. I was just sitting outside enjoying the breeze and watching the clouds slowly build from the west and out of nowhere there was a CTG lightning strike nearby and an enormous BOOM that scared the living shit out of me. I've been out in storms before plenty of times but this legit spooked me.
  12. I've seen some beautiful cloud formations the last few days in Whitestone but no hits. Right now, towers building to the north, this morning was south. Yesterday was northwest. Everywhere but here thus far.
  13. That was an intense 5 minute storm here in Whitestone. Torrential rain, vivid lightning and winds that must have gusted over 50 then 5 minutes later the sun was out in full force. A nice day here in Florida.
  14. The wind is the real story so far after a few torrential downpours earlier. Building shaking wind gusts here in Queens. The rain is run of the mill stuff.
  15. I was just going to say that. The peak winds perhaps aren't quite as high but much more consistent than the much more hyped after Easter storm.
  16. Saw flurries on my way back from food shopping. I almost forgot what snow looked like and was wondering what those little white dots coming from the sky were.
  17. What? There's been winds close to 70 up in Westchester and here in Northern Queens, we were consistently gusting up to 50+ in late morning and are back to very strong gusts the last 30 minutes or so. It's not just confined to the southeast part of the region.
  18. Just came back from the Drug Store (what a surreal world we live in now) and got caught up in a snow/sleet burst. That was unexpected but pretty cool at the same time.
  19. Oh I agree, on wanting to move on from this "winter" and Anthony's droning on about his longing for his long lost love Ms. Snow
  20. Sorry but this is a little harsh. Everybody has their preferences so if Anthony wants to see snow falling from the sky even if it's white rain and causes some inconvenience for some people, why should he get shit for it? Personally, I'm hoping for an early spring. The earlier the better. The few days before this one were glorious, makes you feel alive when the warmth and sun hits you after a few months of winter even a warm winter like this one.
  21. I think it was @bluewave who posted that the city hasn't dipped below 20 since December 19th. That's a remarkable stat to go 2 months in the middle of winter with zero below 20 readings. Has that ever happened in a 2 month winter span? Even '97-'98 and '11-'12 had a few cold spells I believe.
  22. That was a wild couple of months. I actually feel like us in the immediate metro area underperformed in March relative to the potential of those storms. That was an amazing parade of KU's one after another.
  23. March 2018 was the last time I can remember a pattern flipping on a dime and that was due to a historic SSW event as far as I recall.
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