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Everything posted by kat5hurricane

  1. Not really. We've been in this "stuck" pattern regime for years. Rarely do we see complete pattern flips anymore.
  2. Are you kidding? We've been buried with snow, relatively speaking, the last 20 years or so. We're just exiting arguably the snowiest decade in NYC history. Gain some perspective on what a normal NYC climate is my man. This winter blows no doubt but quite frankly, I don't mind a winter or two with minimal snow and more importantly, less salt than normal on every street and sidewalk. It also makes you appreciate any snow we do get. I feel like we've taken these little 2-4 inch type events for granted because we've been so spoiled by KU's. It kind of brings me back to my childhood of the late 80s to early 90s in that respect.
  3. I'm talking about a regression to the mean. We've had an incredible amount of 30+ inch winters in the last 20 years. We had 5 straight 30+ inch winters before last year. Under 20 inches once in the last 11 years, under 25 inches twice and these are the low end Central Park measurements, all of this in above normal temperature winters outside of a few exceptions. This isn't normal. It was inevitable that we'd string together consecutive stinkers and not luck out with perfect storm tracks several times a winter. BTW, last year ended up fairly close to normal with a late season charge. This year seems to be following a similar script continuing the 2010s theme of stuck weather patterns. We might get a few more winters like this coming up in the next few years if the pattern holds, could be entering an overdue snow drought period.
  4. Welcome to a normal NYC winter climate, it took about 20 years to get there. The fact of the matter is that we've been extremely spoiled this century. A regression to the mean with a string of subpar winters was inevitable. This one can still be salvaged with one big storm (like '05-'06 for instance) but not looking good as of now. I'd be willing to sacrifice the rest of winter if it meant no cold and wet spring. That's the absolute worst.
  5. Got a little over 2" in Whitestone and still snowing lightly. Looks beautiful outside. You learn to appreciate even the minor events in winters like this.
  6. About 1" in Whitestone and moderate snow. Best event of the season already as sad as that sounds.
  7. And it's going to be amped too. Bad track and marginal air mass. Pretty much a non event for a good chunk of us which is fine because in a way, I prefer mostly rain to washed away snow.
  8. I never understood why anybody at the coast gets hyped for events like this. SWFE events without a true arctic airmass in place are pretty much non events for us coasties. 2-4 at best washed away by rain does nothing for me personally. It's been a winter of non events thus far.
  9. Even if this winter turns out to be a stinker, people need to keep their disappointment in perspective. Lots of spoiled folks who have become accustomed to 30+ inch winters as the norm (in the immediate metro of course). We've been incredibly lucky the last 20 years or so. The 2000s have been the Golden Era of snow since records have been kept so we are long overdue for a string of bad winters. At some point, there will be regression to the mean for us coasties and last year might have started that trend.
  10. Can confirm in Midtown although I wouldn't say quite as nuts as last year here. It's already longer lasting than last year though, about 10 minutes so far.
  11. It depends on where you're located. In northeast Queens, I've gotten slightly more than bupkis. Around 2 inches total with some white rain mixed in. Heavy salt though so good for the salt lovers
  12. We had a 6" snowstorm by this time last year. Roughly 1" total between two storms that only accumulated on colder surfaces doesn't compare, at least in my area.
  13. I think Feb 2006 was mostly forgotten because the heaviest snow fell in a smaller area relative to other blizzards and as you said, it melted within 2-3 days. Plus it occurred over the weekend so there were less people on the road. Having experienced the full fury of that storm, it is perhaps the most memorable of any storm I ever witnessed. I was visiting somebody in The Bronx and stayed overnight. The snow wasn't really that heavy when I went to sleep so I thought it would be a pedestrian major with a foot or so as was forecasted then I woke up to huge drifts and thundersnow going on for what seemed like an hour. I went to look for my car and couldn't find it because so many cars were buried in drifts. It then took us a couple of hours to dig out because I had to go home and drove over the Throgs Neck bridge which had piles of snow all the way through (never seen that before on a major bridge) and took me hours to get home. The pure intensity of that snow with the Death Band sitting over the city producing Severe Thundersnow is something I'll never forget. One of those moments when you remembered everything you were doing at that time in every detail. Feb '06, Boxing Day and PDII are king for me in my 40 years. Honourable mentions to Jan '16 and Jan '96.
  14. '14-'15 was a lot like that too in the second half particularly. Lots of moderate 4-8 type events but consistent cold keeping the snowpack with what seemed like weekly snow events keeping the pack intact and fresh. That was my favourite winter simply because it was endless winter. '10-'11 had the massive storms but the snowpacks were short lived. February 2006 might have been my favourite storm because the thundersnow was so intense and long lasting, never seen anything like it before or after. PDIi for the long duration and bitter cold is high up on the list too. So many others over the last 25 years that can be included as well. The '96 Blizzards, Boxing Day, Jan 2016 etc. We've been spoiled big time, a Golden Era of snow this century. I expect a regression to the mean eventually with some relatively snowless winters like last year for instance.
  15. No reason to throw in the towel? It's mostly wet in the boroughs. Here in Northeast Queens which is one of the colder spots, there's barely a coating if that. It's a bust unless something unforseen happens overnight. Maybe others in the immediate metro did a lot better but in midtown and my part of Queens, nothing but white rain.
  16. It snowed hard for about half an hour in midtown, started to see some slush on the roads and it has lightened up considerably since. It looks like the lower end of totals will verify. Not that I'm complaining, the last thing I wanted was a repeat of last years' nightmare November snowstorm commute.
  17. Fluctuating between light to moderate very wet snow in midtown. The rates will have to be quite a bit heavier than this for at least a couple of hours hours if this is to be anything more than a few slushy inches. The temps are just too marginal.
  18. Light snow commencing in Midtown, still mixing with rain during the lighter moments.
  19. The area rarely does well under convective snows. Most locations outside of the main band are going to get skunked. The next few hours will be telling to see where it sets up which in the early stage, looks like to be west of the city.
  20. Snowing starting to mix in Whitestone. It's pouring snow at the Giants game.
  21. 80 in February, 95 in October. What is this madness? In the city, it felt almost as hot as any day this summer, in October. Crazy Tomorrow is going to be a shock to the system with the rain and 50s. First jacket day for me.
  22. Very strong winds and torrential downpours in Whitestone but pedestrian thunder and lightning. Strongest winds that I've seen in a thunderstorm in a long time.
  23. Some serious lightning and thunder in Queens. Lightning starting to become more frequent, blinding rain now too. Incredible rain now as I near Citi Field. It's like a Tropical Storm. Now it lightened up considerably just like that but that was an intense 10 minutes or so.
  24. Huge clap of thunder here in Midtown and an insane 5 minute downpour, looked like a tropical downpour.
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