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Everything posted by kat5hurricane

  1. Insane storm in Whitestone. Tons of cloud to ground lightning, house shaking thunder, very windy and torrential rain for a good 20 minutes now. As good as it gets for a coastal thunderstorm.
  2. Got home at 7:00 last night and it was 73, took my dog out at 7:10 with shorts and a light hoodie and it was 55. I've experienced many backdoor fronts over the years and I don't remember any temp drop that drastic that I've felt.
  3. I don't understand how anybody loves this weather.... in April but to each their own. 60s and sunny the other day felt fantastic, it makes you feel alive. This weather just makes you tired.
  4. That's usually a sweet spot of the 5 boroughs in marginal situations like this.
  5. Just woke up to a winter wonderland in Whitestone. It looks like a couple of inches just eyeballing from my window and coming down moderately. I do hear a little pinging but it's predominantly snow.
  6. I was going to say even a blind squirrel blah blah blah but broken clock works too
  7. Why is that? Tampa is a great place to visit. To each their own I guess. I hope you get your day off another day. I'd prefer not to have a flight cancellation or wait in the airport all day for my flight to resume. Anyway, I hope we get a good snow tomorrow. I believe that 3+ inches would be our 2nd biggest snowfall of the year as sad as that is
  8. I've been out of the loop all day and just saw a WWA posted for the area to my surprise. I just took a quick look at the radar and saw nothing in sight so I'm wondering why they posted the advisory for 7 this evening onwards. In any event, I'm hoping that the Sunday/Monday threat is a miss because I have a flight to Tampa first thing Monday morning. It would be just my luck for the first big snow of the season to occur right when I'm flying out of here. Sorry fellow snow hounds but I need this next storm to be a bust.
  9. Solid 1.5 inches or so in Whitestone. Nice little surprise. Nickel and dimeing (sp) our way to a double digit snowfall winter.
  10. Coming down hard in midtown, sticking everywhere except main roads and even there it's starting to stick. I'm getting November flashbacks although a different setup.
  11. Oh really? I would have had no idea based on this thread. I just see a lot of complaining and bickering. It would be nice if we saw more model analysis in this thread for those who don't have access.
  12. Who said it was end of the world or that it was memorable? The prediction of a few hours of snow and sleet getting quickly washed away by rain and calling it "nothing" was wrong, flat out. Those who predicted 3 or more inches of snow were wrong too. It wasn't a big storm but there was a long period of sleet that made conditions hazardous and it stuck around for a few days in most of the metro away from the immediate south shore.
  13. This is completely wrong. It was 1 hour of snow and about 5-6 hours of sleet. The next day there was full coverage of at least an inch of compacted snow and sleet here on the North Shore. Some of these "warm bias" posters predicted a few hours of snow and sleet quickly washed away by rain which didn't happen in the entire metro area, maybe some south shore communities right on the water. They called it a "nothing" event and it was definitely more than nothing if you ventured outside, even on Heat Island -Manhattan. It was treacherous. They were wrong, it happens. I was wrong too, I thought the sleet would be short lived and it wasn't. See, that's not so hard. "I was wrong", see how easy that is? Also, it's not good insight when a poster has an extreme bias warm or cold. There are a few notable posters who always predict warmth and rain or cold and snow and it clouds their judgment when making predictions.
  14. Quite a sleetfest here in Midtown. Those who called this a "nothing burger" should just man up and admit they were wrong. I too underestimated how long the cold air would hold on, it's a mess out there.
  15. Very wintry feel in Midtown, it's a sleetfest and the temp is still stuck at 26. Icing could be a real issue if this continues into the afternoon commute
  16. Changeover complete in Midtown. It was a nice one hour of snow.
  17. When was the last time we saw 4 major winter storms one right after the other in March with a few being historic? It was unprecedented. Not everybody got hit with each one (especially in the immediate metro where we were skunked a few times) but many did.
  18. Moderate snow in Midtown. It has all the looks of a changeover any minute now. Actually, it looks like some sleet starting to mix in.
  19. Last March was a once in a lifetime pattern, can't count on March. Realistically, we have about a 3 week window to cash in. We're running out of runway.
  20. Not enthused by this at all. A couple of inches of snow with a period of sleet washed away by rain, seen storms like this many times in the NYC area and it rarely amounts to much. Yawn
  21. I know there's a lot of snow hounds on this board, present company included, but days like today make me yearn for spring and an abrupt end to winter right now. This weather makes you feel alive again.
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