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Everything posted by Jed33

  1. My parents in Bham just told me they saw some snow flurries about an hour ago. They were definitely not expecting that
  2. Currently sleeting in Morristown. I see MRX had to do an update for a light wintry mix moving through this afternoon. Temperatures have been held way down today by a thick cloud deck that moved in after we had a low of 19 at the house this AM. Quite an unexpected surprise today.
  3. I know man, it’s like after 3:30 the sun stopped having as much influence on the temperature and the banding that set up really cooled things off. Down to 29 now
  4. What a difference 30-45min makes! I went from barely anything sticking to a yard that’s white! Got about 3/4in now
  5. Man it’s just been pouring snow here for the last hour. It’s really too bad that the ground temp was just too warm bc I’ve been at or below 32 all day. It’s just the ground temp wouldn’t support more accumulation than 1/3-1/2in at a time.
  6. Wow, the other runs today were good, but this Euro run....this needs to go into the Hall of Fame! My goodness!
  7. Predicted high and low temps have been missing the mark quite a bit lately around here. Falling well below forecasted lows, as well as falling well short of high temp forecasts. Oddly enough though, I see that TRI has hit 51 today, and yesterday was quite a bit warmer than here, so they have been reaching forecasted high temps.
  8. WWA for Jefferson Co. north and east! Surprised they went with that so early. That lines up with the snowfall map.
  9. My in-laws live slightly north of Bristol VA, almost halfway between there and Abingdon. My mother in law said they had around 1/2in. They didn’t even know it had snowed, and wouldn’t if I hadn’t told them to go check on it, as no forecasts were calling for it. They always seem to do really well-they also have elevation going for them, as they live near the top of a ridge there at slightly over 2k feet
  10. I am at 32 dewpoint 31 now. Looks like the last little bit is moving through. Got a nice sleet/snow dusting that I wasn’t expecting, so that’s a win for sure! Looking back, the 12z Para GFS had this band as snow/sleet moving through. I dismissed it though bc I thought it was off it’s rocker with no real support from any other models.
  11. Ground whitening up here too! Almost all sleet now.
  12. Snowing pretty good here in Morristown it’s all snow. edit: It’s coming down!
  13. Flurries and a slight dusting in the eves of rooftops and car windshields this AM. Actually getting more this morning than yesterday evening when we had a WWA.
  14. Seems that there are a few flakes mixing in now, but it’s over here.
  15. 41 and light rain. Dewpoint 40. Don’t see this happening here. Judging by the radar, looks like we need to be in central/Eastern KY for this one.
  16. Had a couple flashes of lightning and thunder this afternoon and just now with a cell moving in have had a couple more.
  17. Just had a rumble of thunder here! Forgot what it sounded like ha! Maybe that bodes well for the Thursday-Friday system
  18. I’m at Sugar Mtn. with the family I’d say they’ve probably had a couple new inches here overnight. Quite a bit of snow on the road too. Would estimate that there’s probably 1-2in on it up here.
  19. That’s how it is here. Can never really get more than about 1/4in total bc the sun comes out and melts it. It sure is pretty to look at. Too bad it’s not after dark as the sun wouldn’t be melting it. My temp fell back down to 30 degrees in that last squall that just came through!
  20. It’s coming all out whiteout right now! Fine flakes but just dumping! Easily the heaviest all day!
  21. Moderate snow now with nickels and quarters at times! Heavy Snow and all of a sudden my heavy dusting is back!
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