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Everything posted by Jed33

  1. Here’s a picture from this morning. We moved from our old house we had lived in for 10yrs to this new location closer town, so was wondering what the effect would be on snowfall totals. This time around, the new location did better than where I just moved from. It was, apparently, all about the banding last night.
  2. Wow guys, I went to bed at 11:30 with 3/4in and just woke up with 1 3/4in! Sometime during the night, it must have really opened up and snowed hard! I hate that I missed it, but it sure is nice to see this AM
  3. Snow has really picked up here in the last 20-30mins. It’s switched over to all snow and a lot of nickel sized flakes.
  4. It’s beginning to mix a little here and there in Morristown. I went up on Crockett Ridge (1,952ft) a min ago and it was all snow up there but nothing is sticking yet. Seems like it only lasts like John said for 5min or so at a time. Definitely showery like.
  5. I hear ya Stove! Until yesterday I had only picked up 0.09in the entire month of July. Yesterday we got 0.35in and today, so far only 0.08in. It has been very dry around my part of the county, but other areas have done well for sure.
  6. Yes it’s really something else. I’m in Pigeon Forge with the family and you can just barely see any of the mountains. Also it rained here earlier this AM and everyone’s car has dried dust droplets all over it now that it has dried off. Pretty crazy to think that I can scrape dust from the Sahara off of my vehicle!!
  7. Hit 33 this AM with a pretty heavy frost everywhere. Like everyone else, I’m hoping this is it until Fall as well. I had waited to put most of my plants out-only had about a dozen tomatoes out, which I had to cover up with buckets as well. The thing I was most worried about was my blueberry crop which seems to have fared ok, thankfully. Got to get the rest of my plants in the ground it’s time for summer!
  8. Bottomed out at 33 not officially a freeze, but there is ice on the cover of the trampoline. Tonight has me more concerned than last night with the ridge moving overhead. Like MRX said, there will be excellent radiational cooling.
  9. An intense snow shower moving through here right now as well. It’s more of a graupel/ice chunk kinda snow but really cool. Even have a light dusting on house tops and grass.
  10. I was working in Sneedville today, it snowed off and on there, but when I got back to Bean Station I noticed the ground was white in spots. Sure enough, just as I came back into Morristown, I caught up with the tail end of the line and man it was Awesome!! Heavy snow! Just got home and looks like I have about 1/3in on the grass and picnic table.
  11. Finally snowing here in Morristown. It seemed like it took forever for it to get here.
  12. Finally a decent snow shower is rolling through here at the house have a light dusting on the picnic table and trampoline. Temp down to 32
  13. Ended up with about 3/4in-1in at the height of but melting quickly now that the rates have lessened.
  14. Snowing pretty heavy still maybe not quite as heavy as before at the moment, but looks like we have somewhere between 1/3-1/2in on the grass now.
  15. Just pouring snow here now and whitening up too! Temp has crashed to 30 with a dewpoint of 29
  16. Picking up here too now at the house. I’d call it borderline heavy snow now with bigger flakes. Temp holding at 31. No accumulation yet though. It’s very elevation driven around here though (when is it not). In town it’s still a mix in places, but when you go above about 1300ft here and away from town it’s all snow. I’m at about 1430ft here at the house.
  17. Been snowing moderately here for about the last 20min all snow! Temp down to 32
  18. Similar here too Powell. Temp 34. Dewpoint 31. Something that I don’t understand is that most, if not all the modeling, including the NAM has accumulating snow with dewpoints and of course temps around 33-34. I don’t think I’ve ever seen it snow and stick when the dewpoint was above freezing. Of course, we see it happen when the temps and dewpoints are crashing, but not this way usually? I guess the NAM is thinking the rates will be so heavy that will overcome the dewpoints and temps?
  19. Temp is currently 36 with a dewpoint of 27. I’m under yellow returns on radar and actually have a few flakes making it to the surface.
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