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Everything posted by Jed33

  1. 25 degree dewpoint here in NE Hamblen Co. The NE wind working it’s magic here in the valley for sure!
  2. Went skiing with my son today at Sugar Mtn. In a way I wish that I could have been here to see it come through. I have a friend that says it snowed about 1-1.5in near his house which is just a couple miles away. So have to assume it was similar at the house. It did melt quite a bit today, but definitely could tell when we got back that it had snowed, as there was still some left on the rooftops and in the yard. Meanwhile at Sugar, they were reporting 5in yesterday and it snowed from about 11:30-4 today, pretty heavy at times. That combined with the machines blowing all day made for some excellent skiing conditions!
  3. That was nice while it lasted! Looked like it was around 36-40 DBZ on radar!
  4. And now my goodness I’m under an extremely heavy band that is just dumping heavy snow up to 3/4 in on the picnic table and even trying to stick to the concrete walkway.
  5. Still snowing but not as hard. We have a nice heavy dusting out there right now temp down to 30.
  6. Lot of fine flakes but it’s really coming down hard! Temp now 31 and have a light dusting on the car and grass. Flake size has definitely increased now! Back to nickel sized and just pouring snow!
  7. Getting a sleet shower here currently. Not much of anything on radar though, maybe it’s below the beam? Interesting none the less.
  8. Actually more flakes now looks pretty cool borderline light snow from time to time. Good sized flakes. It looks like it’s moving from NE to SW. Don’t we usually see that when an upper low is off to the East/NE and rotating moisture back down the valley? Could there be a weak shortwave in the flow producing this activity this AM?
  9. Yes. That’s right. Actually I just looked out and saw a couple flakes right now. Just a stray here and there. Better than nothing I guess
  10. Wow thanks for sharing Holston. I’m off exit 15 on I81. Should have gotten up earlier. I could have run up the road a couple exits. I actually live on a ridge extension of Bays Mtn, known as Little Mtn, but it’s not helping me this AM. Nairy a flurry in the air that I’ve seen so far.
  11. Decent snow shower rolling through right now here, mixed with graupel too. Looks like it was really coming down just to my south
  12. Right now about 1/4in of ice and 1.5in of snow on top on the picnic table. I just made this picture a few mins ago. It’s kind of hard to see but about the best I could do at night
  13. Now have right at an inch on the picnic table. Nothing sticking to roads yet but it’s down to 29 now with moderate to heavy snow
  14. I was actually thinking the same thing Stove! The plateau can hold up the cold, maybe it could also hold up the dry air?
  15. Under a heavier band at the moment. It’s borderline ripping right now. Quarter to half dollar sized flakes. Biggest flakes of the day here for sure. Temp has dropped to 30.
  16. Finally everything is beginning to whiten up here. Looks like I have about 1/4in on the picnic table
  17. Quite a bit of sleet coming down now with the snow. Temp down to 32 and a light dusting on rooftops, grass, and picnic table
  18. Now all snow on the east side of Morristown and it’s pouring! Big flakes!!
  19. Starting to see more flakes than rain here now. Some pretty big ones too
  20. Just when I think it’s over here today, yet another surprise snow band sets up. Now actually have a light dusting on the car, picnic table, and trampoline. Temp down to 32, and a pretty decent little snow shower!
  21. Today, I have been driving around between Morristown and Jefferson City and have hit several nice snow showers/graupel squalls off and on all day. I thought when the sun briefly came out around 10-11 this morning, that it might clear out and be over. However, I was pleasantly surprised to see it cloud back up and the snow showers come back. One of the heaviest I saw was just a few minutes ago in Jefferson City. I imagine this energy will head east to the mtns and continue to add up through this evening.
  22. Must have had a decent snow shower come through while I was asleep. That’s how it goes I guess. There is still snow in the eves of the roof tops around the neighborhood. Temp is 33.
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