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Everything posted by CAPE

  1. One thing I won't be doing is radar watching. No hallucinations or panicking about the back edge in sight as the first flakes fall. I'll start looking out the window a little after midnight. I might look out a few more times before going to bed and then again when I have to get up to take a piss.
  2. Love the GFS. Can't say the same for the Euro. In the context of maximizing the potential for this storm, they are pretty far apart.
  3. Everyone would have taken this a few days ago, when it looked like an inch or 2 was the likely outcome. BUT NOW IT FUCKING SUCKS! Euro can do some wonky shit approaching game time. I would trust the 3km NAM/GFS combo over this.
  4. Quite a bit of spread wrt timing and location of low pressure for the 23rd potential. Signal on the 18z mean for some frozen to our south, which can be seen on some of the members with SLP further south/southeast.
  5. Yeah I got up at 430. Half way through the WWS, had some weed, and an old fashioned is up next. I'll be lucky if I see a single flake fall lol.
  6. 12z/18Z 3km NAM and GFS were largely the same for my yard. I'll take that blend.
  7. 42 here with high clouds. Oddly not worried at all about temps. Dry air, radiational cooling early, and evaporative cooling when precip starts will do the trick. No UHI issues here. Missing the heavier precip/good banding would be the failure mode.
  8. Think I'll go with an 18z Icon/12z Euro/any run of the Canadian/HRRR blend. 1-3 area wide with some mixing.
  9. Oh god no. They have different variations, and you can buy them aged at the Brewery or the store in Rehoboth. I have had a 2010 and 2012 vintage 120min among others in the last couple years. Gets more complex and the alcohol is barely noticeable. Worth the $16 a bottle.
  10. Mount Holly sticking with the 2-4 tonight/ less than an inch additional tomorrow wording from this morning. I'm way good with that.
  11. There are a couple places in Easton and also in Kent Island that pretty regularly have both the 120s and WWS when they are available. Only one of those places I can buy a single, which is what I did today.
  12. It's about the fronto banding, and the better ratios further north. Those 2 will most likely coincide, thus the potential for 5+".
  13. @stormtrackerI tried on my way home to grab a 120, but had to 'settle' for a World Wide Stout. Much different beer but same effect with 17% abv.
  14. Good thing we are running out of time for the continuing north trend lol.
  15. Here are the actual total precip/snowfall maps for the 18z 3km NAM. The ones posted earlier were premature as the precip was still ongoing for eastern areas.
  16. 12z Euro down to about a quarter inch of precip here. GFS with a bit over a half inch. 18z runs gonna be HUGE. I'll need a big ass beer.
  17. Looks like the Canadians are starting to come around. Maybe by 0z.
  18. This almost makes me want to head to Rehoboth lol.
  19. 'Clipper' used to refer to an Alberta clipper. Well, those are apparently extinct. So call it whatever. It's gonna snow.
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