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Everything posted by MillvilleWx

  1. Are you saying we should lock in Ens Mem 26? In all seriousness, should be a rather tame pattern snow wise next few weeks. I'd head outdoors and catch some Vitamin D. I wonder if @losetoa6 needs a wing man in the ole GN
  2. And then there's the Pats with no rust for past 19 years. Rather have guys healthy and just hope they can stay mentally focused. Good coaching can help that. I think this team is mentally ready to go.
  3. No one of significance should play in that game. Rest them up. Every Pro Bowl player and vet should sit. Don't need a tough playing Steelers team knocking one of them out of the playoffs.
  4. “Low in my hood, back east could be good!” [emoji6] .
  5. Sure did! Great school. Housing, like any other college town was pretty ridiculous, but I really liked it.
  6. I'm actually Baltimore born and raised! I went to college in PA for Meteorology. Def not a Steelers fan. They are my second least favorite team in the NFL.
  7. This game I just think they are going to come out and demoralize the Browns. I would love nothing more than to shut their fans up on Twitter. Haven't been relevant in over 20 years and talking so much crap. Unbelieveable
  8. It's one of the few things that's cheaper out here lol. The CoL here is pretty close to back home. In fact, median rent is a hair more expensive than DC/NoVA. This is not a joke. Someone in the NWS crunched the numbers and did a plot of all the CWA's. MAF is 8th most expensive and LWX is 9th. I smh
  9. None taken. I know there are Steelers fans everywhere (I have quite a few friends of them from college). I hate the Steelers, but I have respect for the organization and the rivalry. New England otoh......I won't go there Reddit is a beautiful site for football streams. Baseball is very hit or miss unfortunately. Thankfully, my Orioles are so bad right now with the rebuild, I'll gladly just catch the highlights, but I follow them extensively from the team website and twitter. Will always be a fan, but man oh man, it can be so rough. As for the internet, I pay $64 (with the fees included) for 400mbs service, so I'm fairly happy. Next time I move to an area with Google Fiber capabilities, I'm going with them and never looking back. 1000/1000 speeds just cannot be beat man. Gaming needs a decent connection with FPS game types. Without it, it's very hard to enjoy.
  10. I'll take this into banter to not shift focus in the LR thread. JB was very popular back into the late 90's and 00's with Accuweather and really help kick-start the Accuweather Premium service. He was more rounded and talked almost exclusively weather. He didn't have nearly as much of a bias now. He is still pretty good in some areas, but since his falling out with Accuweather, he moved on and created a new service with WeatherBell. Since the move, he's been pretty boisterous on his opinions with AGW and has become a huge Hype-master for winter weather prospects in the major cities. He's a powder hound that grew up in NJ and Conn. He lives near the State College area still after working at Accuweather. His twitter account was mostly weather when he started. Now he's pretty political and leans right for a ton of issues. He's a very smart dude that I think has gotten very caught up in propaganda and he's really lost it recently. He's somewhat respected in the weather community, but he's rubbed people the wrong way enough times now and people are over it. That's all I got.
  11. Oyyy. As a gamer, I could never do this as long as I live. I'm running 400mbs right now in Midland. I almost want to get Giggabit speed for $30/mo more, but that's not a very wise decision with the current CoL out here. Next year? Maybe. We'll see. I watch Ravens games through Buffstreams that I found off Reddit. I'm on a 30 sec lag between real time, but the picture and stream is crisp.
  12. Is it Sunday at 1 PM yet? I feel like I wish my weeks away now. Watching Caps highlights and playing Modern Warfare can only pass the time so fast.
  13. How much would it take for you to move to Bama permanently? Asking for the forum ......jk
  14. Nah. Idk why I mentioned that. I knew that storm was the following winter. Just a complete brain cramp on my part. I got some sleep and caffeine in me this morning, so my mind will be ready to rock and roll by 9am.....tomorrow
  15. 10000000% This. This was the pinnacle for a snow season here. We typically get 1/3 of that when it's decent and that doesn't include longer stretches of futility. Weenies these days would've given up hope for most of the 80's and 90's. We've been a heater comparatively. Also, we don't traditionally nickel and dime. A lot of our snow comes from a few events a season. And given our locale, we can cash in on a blockbuster with the best of them along the coast.
  16. You are correct in my interpretation of your post. Def not seasonally screwed. My apologies if it seemed like that’s what I thought. I actually thought this was going to be a backloaded winter when I set my forecast in the contest. That’s why my numbers are pretty much around avg for the year. Just really sucks seeing yet another year of December snow chances thrown out the window. I don’t even have skin in the game, and I’m down about it. It’s become a fairytale like the Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, and a Cleveland Browns winning season. .
  17. OMG. I'm an idiot. My apologies. I was trying to refer to the one week heater we had in 09-10 and now its dawning on me that I completely screwed that up. I need to get some sleep man There was a heater that winter, but it sure as hell wasn't a snow storm heater. As Homer Simpson would say, "DOH!"
  18. It's never easy seeing the pattern teeter on the edge with no end in sight. Having said that, we have been here before (And in much worse positions too) and we've come out on top in the grand scheme of things. One of the positives I see in all this is the N Hemi is not completely devoid of cold. In fact, this is a prime setup for Siberia to kick it up a notch with cold and snow, which could come in handy down the line if we get some cross-polar flow to open for the second half of the season. Plus, we aren't dealing with a raging ENSO like in 2016 where we literally had to have the stars, moon, and sun align to get the storm we had. This could flip by mid-January and we are off to the races. The key for me is seeing the SJT remain active with storms and the gravity of coastals setting up near 50/50. If that continues for the long term, that will bode well for the second half of the season. It really stings always having to say "Second half...blah...blah...blah", but with shortening wave lengths more common in second half, the prospects of getting "The Big One" go up. Until then, holidays, family, booze, football, and looking for the window to open in the long range. I still like for a normal winter in snow climo and colder 2nd half. Just a hunch! I'm with PSU and I mentioned in my response to Bob. The one silver lining is the main source region of cold will be really dang cold and snowy while the Eastern CONUS sees the ridge in place. Once the flood gates open, it'll take a bit to replenish what is lost upstream, but we've seen this song and dance before. Until then, I'd sit back and enjoy the holidays and all it has to offer.
  19. Just saw the GEFS. Oof. That’s brutal. The western trough is probably a given now. On the deterministic, there was a complex setup of dual s/w pieces on Euro compared to one consolidated trough via the GFS (On 12z at least). Now the long range handling on ensembles for the long wave pattern are virtually identical. There’s no real way to sugar coat it, but the rest of December is looking blank for East of Mississippi. Hopefully this is a temp and a reshuffle happens for second half of prime climo. Still a lot of time to recover. Just sucks that it’s been seemingly years since the MA had any great snow setups in the heart of low-sun angle season. .
  20. I’m more a White Russian fan myself .
  21. The evolution of the H5 pattern on the GFS/ECMWF deterministic is wildly different from each other out west. Until we see some consistency in the evolution of the back to back troughs out west next week, there will be some shifts in numerical guidance as to what occurs for the end of the month. As is the case, GEFS/EPS will be the guidance to use for the next 4/5 days. Things beyond Tuesday are about as clear as mud.
  22. I am. I was seeing the storm slip away looking at models and satellite obs. My dad and I were tracking that sucker for days and we were so excited, only to see the rug pulled hard on Christmas and then the death nail on Boxing Day. I remember him telling me he had a sinking feeling about that one for days. He was right. I was so distraught and my buddy kept texting me the next day. At that time, I never knew about EasternWx, so I followed on Accuweather Forums. Thank god for finding this site, because that place turned into a side show and a half.
  23. True. Weather wise, it's pretty nice out here. Can't complain about that, or great sunsets. As for the area itself.....
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