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Everything posted by MillvilleWx

  1. It was an amazing time for football. You knew if we could score 13, the game was over with that defense. Offense just needed to do enough and not turn it over.
  2. Got one out for Ithaca, NY right now. Snowing like mad there according to cams. I need to move back east bro
  3. I completely buried that memory, so thanks for bringing it back up . The Ravens thumping Denver on the start of our Super Bowl run certainly is the better memory for that day. That crazy deflection TD for Sharpe is still ingrained in my memory.
  4. Boxing Day is hands down my worst cuz I had a friend who got 3' on the Jersey shore. I have never wanted to cry on missing a storm, but man that was close lol. 2013 was a dagger too. Let's avoid that 'ish for the rest of eternity.
  5. I remember being completely bummed out on Christmas. Was not a good day. Thankfully we cashed in not too long later with the greatest 1 week heater of all time.
  6. As someone who went to Community College for the first few years before 4 year, it was a blessing. I got to stay close to home, get my Gen Eds out of the way, worked part-time and saved like $50k for college by doing so. If anyone reads this and is thinking of going to college, I highly recommend doing this IF AND ONLY IF you know the credits will transfer where you want to go. Do your research and work with an adviser. It's so important and very helpful. Congrats to all in here that have kids graduating or going to college. That's an awesome life accomplishment to say, "I kept this human alive long enough for them to further their education. I deserve a beer!"
  7. It was so nice to see friends and family on my short trip home with my wife. We had a great time. Hopefully a little snow in the morning before we leave later in the afternoon. Feels good to be back east .
  8. Defense was just good enough, but certainly could be better. Offense was cooking with gas
  9. I'll take 3 more of those and a drive that's tough nose with the same result
  10. I'm sure there's plenty of snow in Miami, mainly scattered on coffee tables and the VIP room of Club Heat.
  11. If we can get a meteor to hit the central Pacific, we’d be really talking about a PAC flood .
  12. No kidding. Still a workable pattern for sure. Would like to see that ridge axis over Boise instead of Dodge City with that look. At this point, just seeing some indication of that is a net positive. Heck, it's inside 9 days. We usually don't see this kind of look until Day 12-15 last 3 years.
  13. That is one of the most beautiful -NAO sigs I've seen in a long time. Sucks that it's 8 days away, but you never know....
  14. Hopefully they're not just practicing
  15. If one ever occurs. I'll be reporting to you guys by candle light....
  16. Here's a good look at what I'm referencing. Below is the 700mb Frontogenesis forecast at 10z Wedesday (Sounding avg for Central MD below that). When you have prime mid-level forcing, this generates a better looking precip field, as well as better Omega within the best snow growth region. This will help crystal structures and give the best chance for accumulating snow. A lack of forcing will play a detriment to snow accumulation since the lower boundary layer will be marginal, especially east of the fall line. Need this depiction to hold for another few runs before I would get excited. This is a tight rope walker, but the chance is there for a nice little event.
  17. 1-2” with lolli’s to 4” N/W of the fall line are looking increasingly likely. Need the mesos to hold serve into 12z tomorrow to really cement the idea. It’s a still a tight rope setup with where the thermal gradient is aligned and best H7 frontogenesis. Right now, it looks like a nice start of the season event shaping up. At this rate, @Bob Chill might only need to steal 1/3 of PSU’s snow
  18. Your image is most likely the correct image and the other was issued before, but they did a correction with the image. There should be a range. .
  19. Yeah. A lot of those were self inflicted wounds. The Beasley PI was obviously Oscar worthy acting on his part and the refs bought it. That hurts. But we played really well on defense for 48 minutes worth of that game. Hopefully we come out firing on all cylinders vs the Jets. Short week incoming.
  20. This makes me feel better after how we looked on offense today. I'm still scratching my head at some of those play calls.
  21. The stark differences at H5 on the Euro and GFS just show how volatile this pattern is. So many shortwaves to key on, both in the southern and northern stream. It's going to be a pattern where answers will not be made until inside 4 days, and even then there could be some sharp shifts up to lead time. GFS is more amped in the northern stream for Tuesday/Wednesday with a progressive southern wave traversing the southern plains into the Mississippi Valley. A trailing shortwave over the Inter-mountain west dives south and phases on the backside of the southern disturbance and gains a neutral tilt over the Tenn Valley. Regional difluence on the leading edge of the trough provides a good signature for enhanced lift over the southern Mid-Atlantic, bringing a solid moisture field into a cold antecedent airmass with 1040+ surface high over northern New England. Those are the GFS details parsing with some winter precip in the mix. Now for the Euro, it's a short and sweet reason of why it fails. Sheared northern stream energy coupled with southern wave closing off and drifting into the Bay of Campeche. No phasing streams, progressive flow, and lead southern shortwave early in the week is the main feature the Euro keys on for precip development next weekend. It's a completely different look and both solutions could have merit in the setup. Wednesday is tight. The models did bring in the front quicker yesterday compared to previous days, but now we're seeing the depth of the cold push, in latitude, being pushed back, which might hinder the prospects for snowfall, unless we get an energetic trailing piece along the boundary. Models have diverged away from that for the time being, so you're seeing a flat look with cold chasing precip. That's not historically how the area scores, but it's not impossible. Need to see models comeback to a more aggressive cold push imo. That way we can see a sharpening baroclinic ribbon and better chance for frozen to the NW side of the boundary.
  22. Quick look at the EPS for late Tuesday into Wednesday, there's been a noticeable shift in the timing of the front with quicker progression as thicknesses fall and surface temps have seen a downward trend for the overnight time frame. Below is the model difference from the previous run. Notice the mean is around 2-4F cooler than the last run (00z). Much has to do with the progression of the front, which is important if the area wants to see some anafrontal action. Still a ways away, but that's a nice trend in mean guidance.
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