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Everything posted by JTA66

  1. 30F/ DP 23F...nada here. We want S NJ/DE pics!
  2. 58F…fooking spring out there! Thought I heard a cicada.
  3. Yeah, I’m thinking Kamu can start his snow pile tomorrow
  4. What's keeping me sane is the fact that this was never our storm, it's always been modeled as a southern slider. We were under WSW's for most of those 80's heartbreakers. I guess it's just been the last 24hrs that there are hints we can get clipped. Honestly, I'd be happy just to see flakes in the air tomorrow. And if I can eek out a C-1, all the better. Given how abysmal this winter has been (and there are hints the pattern goes back to poo after mid Jan), I'll take whatever crumbs the snow demons toss my way.
  5. Feb '89 too. I'm still not convinced us NW folks see much of anything tomorrow. I guess the one hope we have is we don't need some massive shift of 100 miles. Just a 20 mile jog could give us an inch or so. Fingers crossed!
  6. Yes. I’d have to look into it more but it seems rare when the NJ beaches score and us NW peeps do too. I recall too many times when the AC boardwalk got buried and all I’m looking at is cirrus. Welp, if I can’t score, I sure hope this is a nice event for the NJ and DE posters!
  7. Agreed. I think us NW weenies are still on the outside looking in.
  8. Wow, had no idea…thanks! Anyway, ch10 guy seems unenthused, “maybe some light snow at the beaches, but nothing here in Philly.”
  9. I don’t know how far NW this thing ticks, but it’s certainly a warm Atlantic to add plenty of fuel to whoever jackpots.
  10. 51F with drizzle. Don’t think I’ll get a mow in today. Happy New Year everyone!!
  11. The sun is wishful thinking. If it were out, it would be in the 60’s and I’d be mowing the lawn like Kamu suggested.
  12. Not to pile on but I read Paul Pastelok’s blog from AccuWx this morning -- he's going with +2 to +3 in January for our area. The weenie in me says it can still snow, we just need to time moisture with a cold shot. The realist in me says we don't do timing well. In other news, it's a balmy 49F
  13. Look on the bright side -- this year's January thaw will have very little impact.
  14. Unfortunately this winter is living down to my expectations. The towel may make an early appearance this year.
  15. N'ah, the Festivus storm is still the benchmark to beat imby this season. Still, I enjoyed my 14 flakes today.
  16. Radar looking much better down your way. Get that snow pile started!
  17. Actually, as soon as I posted a VERY light mix of flakes & IP has begun.
  18. Pouring cats & dogs on the Blue Route. Heck of a way to run a drought!
  19. A little early to throw in the towel, but if you had dead ratter in your office pool, you’re looking good right now.
  20. Calling it a car topper is being generous but you can tell something fell from the sky overnight, 31F.
  21. It’s a Festivus miracle…flurries! 33F
  22. That's the other odd change in recent years. Back in the 70's and 80's, the 3-5, 4-6 inchers were our bread & butter. Other than '78 and '83, HECS were non-existent. Now it seems we get advisory-level events or big dogs.
  23. Yes, my temp is down to 33F. About .40” of drought-busting rain overnight.
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