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Everything posted by WxWatcher007

  1. I kind of like tomorrow. Not sure how early convection could screw things up but if we can minimize that the afternoon looks solid for those with reasonable expectations.
  2. Yeah I should have noted that prior to this recent 5 year period in CT, I lived in DC. Winters have been unpleasant to say the least for me.
  3. I kind of like the idea of two NS next week @GaWx EPS hints at it.
  4. EPS today likes the idea of two possible named storms. One offshore (see above) and one in the central Atlantic.
  5. That’s how bad the last decade has been. You taint while it’s 50° rain here lol.
  6. Must be nice not worrying about taint Its a great climate here in New England. Plenty of variety, including quiet and nice periods.
  7. Isn’t it relative though? We’re not built to have derechos with cat 2 winds like Iowa or giant hail like Texas. We can’t get cat 5s like Florida or heat like Phoenix or cold like Minnesota. Hell we barely do region wide KUs now. Our climate has versatility—we can do a lot of things if the stars align, but I’m not sure we can do anything particularly high end frequently like other regions.
  8. Yeah the heat (air temp) has underwhelmed so far. Heat indices were the real deal here yesterday with upper 70s dews.
  9. Too close to land to do anything but it may have a chance to develop as it gets swept out to sea by the coming trough that’ll also sweep the central Atlantic wave away.
  10. It’s an imby game. Always. And weenies (myself included) have trouble separating the fantasy from reality. We could literally have a category 5 hurricane run straight through New England and we’ll have folks call it a bust as its track shifts up the coast with trochoidal motions, meh it as an outer rain band misses their house, shrug it off as a non-event if their house receives minor damage, and downplay it if the highest recorded gust was “only” 140 mph rather than the 165 gusts the NHC had in the advisory before landfall. It’s just what we do.
  11. I'm not sure what the expectations were? I think this did ok south of pike. Other than the tor in NH it underperformed there.
  12. Nice rain here post storm. Over .50 today and over 11” for the month.
  13. Looking NW from Manchester (CT). It’s a beaut.
  14. Looks messy down here aside from that Springfield storm.
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