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Everything posted by olafminesaw

  1. It appears another recon flight will be in the storm in 4-5 hours. It will be interesting to see if the LLC continues to move south or moves back to the W or NW in that timeframe.
  2. The Euro seems to really broaden the wind-field, without increasing max wind speed. Has a massive area of 35-45 mph winds, but probably would be a 50 mph landfall
  3. Not exactly your classic strengthening TS look
  4. Yep, the 6z Euro include with that trend. Pressure at landfall of 990-995 mb and strength of about 50 mph is my guess. A third landfall in Nova Scotia isn't out of the question as well, as per the GFS
  5. All things considered, a pretty high degree of confidence in a strong system from the EPS.
  6. It's pretty simple really...the GFS is on crack. A fairly weak low tracking across Florida, into the gulf, bringing areas of heavy rain, makes the most sense.
  7. GFS developed a TS only 84 hours out. May not be so far fetched this time
  8. Recurves sharply OTS after a brush with Hispaniola
  9. Yuuup. Hooks it west into Florida while growing enormous. Because that makes sense
  10. Okay...maybe not. Might just be the smoothest EWRC I've ever seen: https://tropic.ssec.wisc.edu/real-time/mimtc/2022_19E/web/displayGifsBy12hr_03.html
  11. Seems like it's probably peaked and the EWRC should begin to weaken it soon
  12. From 38 to 58 in 3 hours. Feels good outside! Jacket in the morning, t-shirt in the afternoon kind of weather is fantastic.
  13. Even more shocking, average first freeze this century at DCA of November 21st, is only 3 days before that of Tallahassee Fl
  14. I suspect equal parts GW, and urban hear Island. Check out this time lapse of development over the past 40 years: https://earthengine.google.com/timelapse#v=36.08865,-79.93213,12.106,latLng&t=3.63&ps=50&bt=19840101&et=20201231&startDwell=0&endDwell=0
  15. Going back to 1990, 11 years had October freezes in Greensboro. Of those years, one had December snow, more than a trace (9%), (1" in 1993). 10 years out of 31 had snow more than a trace overall (32%) so years without an October freeze had snowfall 41% of the time and with a freeze 9% of the time. A rather small sample size, but an interesting inverse correlation.
  16. 1994, A big year for flooding! Alberto dropped 25"+ of rain on parts of Georgia.
  17. Thankfully, that still means we probably don't even break 80 degrees. Then the GEFS brings back below normal temps for the end of October.
  18. Convection Is being blown away from the center again, seems to be dealing with some pretty significant shear. The NHC forecast of 45 mph pre-landfall, may be too strong.
  19. Recon just took off for our new invest. We'll find out in a couple hours whether this is a TC, or a glorified squall line
  20. Finally wrapping convection around the center. Should be off to the races
  21. Looks like the core starting to organize, but may be a while before we see anything like an eyewall
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