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Everything posted by LSC97wxnut

  1. I saw that. I wonder if there is a warm pocket of water there.
  2. Yeah, there are at least 4 boats out in the bay currently. We'll see where they end up later.
  3. Good morning from Cotuit, MA. Sadly do not have any way to truly gauge the wind, but in the band that just went through, I think it was 15 gusting to 25? Clouds are screaming westward though, so higher winds are up there waiting to be mixed down.
  4. 12km NAM says hello Pt. Judith.
  5. Yeah, I went to the Stop and Shop in Marston Mills and then went over to Mashpee Commons to pick up dinner and there didn't seem like there were that many people in the store or at the gas stations I passed. Didn't seem like many people had gone to the store earlier either. Plenty of ice cream in stock...
  6. The hell? NYC to wide right in 24 hours?
  7. Yep, starting to roll in Cotuit as well. (South side of Shoestring Bay.)
  8. Well, we are going against Gov. Baker's wishes and heading to Cotuit Saturday morning. The house we're renting is on the south side of Shoestring Bay about a mile from Loop Beach. It's at about 25' asl, so I'm not worried about surge, just the gusty winds taking out power. Hopefully this doesn't end up being a mistake, but it sure will be an adventure...
  9. Yeah, you can really see the llc well north of the mid and upper levels.
  10. Something firing on the north side of the LLC, or am I seeing something?
  11. What's the slosh map for the Bay of Fundy...
  12. Very dark and pouring in Needham. Not a lot of wind though.
  13. Usually I'd love to track something like Henri, but we're going to Couit next week. So he can kindly eff-off...
  14. Surprised there isn't. Lightning well within 8 miles of the stadium.
  15. The cell over Woonsocket (I think) from Newtonville.
  16. My phone just pinged my location to the extreme NE corner of the warning for the cell west of Worcester. There doesn't appear any chance it gets to Newton. Moving more south than west
  17. Beating the US Men's team a few days ago?
  18. Pretty gusty in Newtonville. Not quite severe maybe. Lots of lightning.
  19. Wonder if that rogue cell over Waltham will kill the line for around here?
  20. Really does smell like a camp fire too.
  21. Little bit of a smoky haze today?
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