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Everything posted by NYC10023

  1. Welp if nothing else it was a nice 45 minute snow up here in the UWS. It's pretty much done now.
  2. if this is another slop-fest of rain/slush, I'm going to write a letter and complain.
  3. I'm pretty sure everyone can count on the week of February 25th to deliver some high impact storms. I say this with almost 100% certainty since I'll be out of town during that week.
  4. it's a sad winter when we're tracking a single heavy snow squall line. That being said, bring it on.
  5. Thoughts on the incoming precipitation for Tuesday?
  6. Just got off the phone with my friend in Denver; a fellow weather geek. They've had less snow than NYC metro so far this year so I don't feel as bad as I did. However we both decided that life would be much easier if pleasant sunny days were our "thing".
  7. The most frustrating part for me this year is the record-breaking cold (or hell, even just cold weather) with bright sunny skies and then 2+" of rain with highs in the 50's right afterwards. That is just evil.
  8. Thanks! NAP EPO ENSO I've got; CAD is a new one. Appreciate everyones input, especially during this frenetic model discussions
  9. from what I'm reading, we can knock the NYE snowstorm off the table?
  10. Just walked back from Central Park (UWS) Huge branches down everywhere in the park. There's a helluva lot more than 2'' in there at 4pm
  11. Was watching it live and honestly thought they were going to be casualties. But that boss-dude, David, should *not* ever be in charge of anything related to weather, ever again. There's bad judgement calls, and then there's downright idiotic judgement calls. His was definitely in the latter.
  12. It's sole purpose of creation was to affect the mid-term elections in the southern states. This needs to be investigated further.
  13. you can say that again. How people live in Seattle is beyond me.
  14. well good thing you're able to see into the future to let us know it's not going to be as bad. Thanks.
  15. funny you started this topic Just got home from Central Park with the dogs and I couldn't believe the amount of fireflies still out there. I was trying to remember if, as a kid, I had ever seen them in September and was thinking about it the whole walk home. I grew up in Michigan but still, similar climatology. As far as guesses hell if I know but good to know I'm not the only one befuddled by the phenomenon this year...
  16. hyper-excitement after Sandy hit up here. Every damn storm is going to be a "Sandy-redux" blah-blah-blah Also, don't *EVER* go into the NYC forum if there's a blizzard anywhere on the east coast. The weenie talk during a hurricane is nothing compared to snowstorm talk. I often fear someone is going to be found dead at their computer from lack of sleep/food and the stress of proving themselves right on the message board.
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