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Everything posted by Mikeymac5306

  1. Looks SECSy, but not gonna pounce till the Euro, and CMC catch on. Considering the last storm, they may have it cut through Cleveland.
  2. According to NWS, Rt 322 is the new I-95 cooridor...
  3. Silly question, but how come this storm seems like much more of an impact in Buffalo than the last one a few weeks back?
  4. 17 degrees here. White roads from salt. Few strong guts but nothing shattering... ...and we're out of milk..
  5. 34F and changed to rain. Had a shot of ZR enough to screw up the roads a bit.
  6. I was looking at the 28th. Sorry. It's showing a little snow.
  7. Am I reading the 6Z Euro correctly that they agree? Could be a plowable salt event by the time it's over. Car wash gift cards for Christmas!
  8. Well that was fun while it lasted. Three days of glorious snow runs to flooding rain. By Monday it will be locked in and we'll be looking to mid January for the next threat... As for this one...
  9. Am I reading this right that something is brewing for next Tues/Wed 12/21-22 as well? Looks like the cold may not get here in time though.
  10. I believe you are correct. However his avatar hasn't chaned to the "snow doggie" yet, or he's behind.
  11. So to summarize, we got another week of temps above freezing. Then the front next weekend will give us that first legit shot of cold air followed by what might be the first legit snow threat? We got two weeks to work with. Strap in kids!
  12. Meh. I 'm still going with a repeat of last year. We'll be lucky to get one SECS storm. Apps runners will give the area a Couple of nickel and dime messes in January/February and that's about it.
  13. The jist I got from Cecily the other night was that if you liked last years winter, then lather, rinse, repeat.
  14. Been watching the beach cams in Rehoboth. As you know they were smoked back in May with a five day storm of relentless waves and wind. Took out about half the beach. Was very noticeable when I was there in July. Once again they are getting pounded, and the dunes that held in May are starting to fade now. Feel bad as all that work it took them to put that beach back together in the early 2000's is almost gone.
  15. Easy. They have a list of places they evacuated and a list of those who stayed in those evacuated places.
  16. Beginning to calm down on Jay Jacks cam...
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