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Everything posted by marsman

  1. FWIW looks like Brett Adair is in Buffalo but I can't get any stream to load.
  2. Wonder if NASA's gonna roll Artemis back to the VAB. Launch is scheduled for early morning on Monday the 14th.
  3. Closed out October with 1.35" of rain, .61" of that was from yesterday. Storm total is also 1.35".
  4. Low of 43 at 8:15 this morning - the high was 59 at 12:15am. Current temp at 56 and dropping. Freeze warning expanded into Wake County for tonight, NWS now calling for a low of 32 IMBY.
  5. Accidentally posted this in the Sept thread..... 40.7 for a low this morning. Good chance for 30's next weekend.
  6. 3.64" from Ian, misting/foggy right now. Lots of branches down in the yard and a few trees down in the neighborhood. Some flickers of lights, but never lost power. Cleanup time.
  7. Upslope effect from the plains to the Piedmont?
  8. https://storms.ngs.noaa.gov/storms/ian/index.html#13/26.4579/-82.0780
  9. Here's one: https://www.severestudios.com/storm-chasers/jordan.hall.html
  10. I was just about to mention this. Lots of planes in the air doing surveys per FlightRadar24. US Customs is also out over the Gulf, my guess is debris survey or stranded boaters.
  11. LMAO... and it kicks on in my house, set to 68. 55F outside right now, .34" of rain since midnight.
  12. I say we go back to using the Greek Alphabet. If we go over, use AA, AB, AC, etc.
  13. https://m.facebook.com/antonio.zayas.5/posts/6029532560408222/?refsrc=deprecated&_rdr Gators in streets.
  14. I just hear the term "Orlando's gonna get coned" on TWC. I've heard "in the cone" but not "coned".
  15. Boca Grande, up Charlotte harbor - south of the Rotunda. Follows Peace river upstream.
  16. Last measurable rain IMBY was Sept 12th. Only 1.52" for the month so far. Not bothering aerating the lawn, it's hard as a rock.
  17. I can't help but notice how much more prominent Cape Coral is on maps these days, even on RadarScope. When I was there many moons ago, I remember it being a big deal that Cape Coral got it's name on an I-75 exit sign.
  18. https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0bB5GezUymcf7xjk1AiDpTphpSCD3cJ8BF441nYQLBy5TQUAosX86KJkTe4fg98hJl&id=100009025701795 edit - add photos, not sure if FB link works
  19. FWIW I was in Morrisville/Briar Creek this afternoon and the Apple Watch said 97... not sure if that data came from KRDU though. High of 96 at the house in south Cary, I can believe 98. No precip recorded today IMBY, only some good breezes. Currently 76 and falling. Closer to the coast, nasty looking "S" shaped cell near NWS Newport right now. Should make for some interesting winds and waves tomorrow.
  20. High of 96 at 2:10pm. Currently 89 and waiting for either some showers or outflow. Not hopeful for much badly needed precipitation. Last measurable amount was .06" on September 12th.
  21. The NHC's "squished-Mercator-ish" map (I'm no cartographer) looks really weird when it has to be stretched from the mid-Atlantic to the Arctic Circle. I also noticed they didn't bother marking the wind speed probabilities above 60N. First time I think I've seen that cutoff.
  22. From Canadian Hurricane Centre: 4-8" of rain and 30+ foot waves in the Gulf of St. Lawrence
  23. First 50's of the season IMBY, low of 57 this morning at 7am. Windows wide open!
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