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Everything posted by rjvanals

  1. Euro misses south it looks like; has a major difference w GFS w what happens w the 1/4 storm in the Canadian maritimes
  2. It close enough to watch. This run we get fringed w light precip but it’s cold enough at the 925 level we’d snow if the precip was heavier
  3. Similar scenes to mine. Went 1.4 conservatively but it was likely closer to 2 here.
  4. Looking at some of the road cams in the band the ICC is snow covered as you get closer to 270
  5. Yeah the band is legit w snow sticking to the driveway and slush buildup on the street
  6. Light snow in Potomac, 34f w enough accumulation to make a slush ball off the cars hood
  7. 12 z NAM looks to speed up a changeover but gets the precip out much quicker than earlier runs
  8. Euro looks somewhat sleety in the metros w a change to snow looking at soundings.
  9. Big red flag for me is there’s no real arctic air behind the system. When it’s supposed to have flipped over in the metro it’s 34f in Pittsburgh. That’s not gonna do it imo
  10. No 87 was the big Veterans Day storm. The one in 95 was short duration but had intense rates and enough sleet for my 10 year old self to sled down the driveway.
  11. Remember that storm which I believe was on Veterans Day of 95 that brought afternoon severe storms and then a massive temp drop that brought sleet then snow. Had maybe ~2 inches from that in Potomac
  12. DCA: 15.2 IAD: 29.3 BWI: 25.4 RIC: 16.8 SBY: 16.2
  13. @TerpeastThanks for putting in the effort to produce such a in-depth outlook!
  14. Snowing pretty good but not much stickage even on cars here in midtown at 54th st
  15. Couple red flags: 1. Source region isn’t as cold this run looking upstream 2. Looking at soundings hr 150 we’re it looks good on the map but precip would be forming below the DGZ since we’re not very cold at the 700 MB level
  16. Soundings on Sunday evening are close on HH GFS for western suburbs
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