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Everything posted by WEATHER53

  1. I still think we get a punch of around 100 in August but like I said in June if the heat doesn’t set up by July 4th then it won’t. We’ve done lots of 90-93 but the brutal 97+ days after day for 10-20 straight does not look in the making
  2. I would love to find a spot like the one I had in my childhood to take my grandchildren to.
  3. No weather bro should not have AC.
  4. Not looked for 5 hours so that line down in Charles Co., thats not the line from 6pm that was there and it stalled?
  5. Wes it looks like few spots St Mary’s got 5” in an hour? That had to flood a lot?
  6. Streamers from north rotating around toward DC
  7. Gust to 52 at Tangier Island Crisfield would have been very good for this
  8. No radar hallucination as that rain mass is moving almost due north with a breakout of storms around Dale City
  9. Wild drive to Baltimore up 95 Lots of green leaf shredding between 198 and 32 and then again around 100. Constant lightning in Balt for half hour and heavy rain
  10. Got some heavy rain and few gusts to 35
  11. Think though that 2006 is better known for that lengthy 8”+ deluge
  12. I’ve had three rounds. Probably 2010 last time in a day and really just 7 hour period . 1st round rating : Rain-10 Hail-8 Lightning-8 Wind-5 Other two round unspectacular thus unrated. I think it’s not area wide but I’ve got 2.3” on the day.
  13. Your earlier report was much like mine. In the Snowmaggedon 8-10am white out I could not see the house across the street and in the July 2010 extreme thunderstorm I nearly lost sight of it and same extremely low visibility today.
  14. On a line from Bethesda to Wheaton to Silver Spring to Greenbelt looks like isolated 1”+ in 10-15 minutes. That’s equal to lowest visibility ever for me in rain .
  15. It’s been as dark as about 8:45 for last 30 minutes
  16. Round two began at 3:03 and so far non insane white out rain. Just ordinary 3”ph stuff
  17. Hibiscus pots and lawn furniture blow over but no limb damaged and sun popping back out
  18. Going crazy, serious hail downpour for 30 seconds and near white out of rain
  19. Deluge just got here with sharp lightning and near instant thunder report
  20. In the direct sun wet bulb highest of the year, 114.
  21. I just don’t see any lengthy heat surge in July. This high plains High pressure has visited us 3 times and really has not yet moved southeast and set up as a Bermuda high. It’s going to be quite hot thru Wednesday and then another round of 80-85 highs and 50’s and 60’s lows thru July 4th. For DC if the scorching pattern has not set up by July 4th then it infrequently does
  22. Yes most of season tonight, I look at same spot for 10 seconds and count and pause 10 sec then repeat two more time. I got 13, 8 and 12 twinkles in each time span . Area I'm looking at is about 8x8’ and I’m 30 feet away
  23. I was on Harry Truman Dr in Largo and hail was quarter sized and green hue to sky just sickly. Luckily I got my car into a carport. the house I was visiting had 4 broken windows and shingle damage. The siding was vinyl but many were metal and damaged
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