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Everything posted by lee59

  1. This is kind of a ridiculous stat for NYC. I believe the streak at Kennedy, La Gaurdia and Newark is about half Central Park. They should use the 2 inch and under which is more realistic. Apparently about the only place in the NY metro area that didn't get an inch of snow was Central Park.
  2. Were 5-6 days out, nobody knows what will happen but there is hope and possibility. At this point, as far as I am concerned, a little to far south or a little to close to the coast means were still in the game.
  3. Looking forward to the new thread. This period is at least something of interest and potential.
  4. At least the end of the week and coming weekend have potential for some interesting weather. Something to follow, at least.
  5. Thanks same to you and all. Actually well north and west getting some snow and freezing rain tonight. WWA in Sullivan and parts of Ulster.
  6. Ok. I haven't been paying that close attention but I thought the city stations were calling for 50 today, a few days back.
  7. Didn't get as mild as I expected today, high 43, pretty much normal.
  8. Yea I did get down to 23 before cloud cover stopped the drop about 1 A.M.
  9. Looks like this year will be Central Parks mildest yet.
  10. Never got below freezing in the city last night, meanwhile many suburbs double digit colder.
  11. I guess the source region is looking pretty good for the other side of the globe, where the cold weather seems to be.
  12. Heat island apparent tonight as temperatures in suburbs approach the teens in some places, NYC still in mid 30s.
  13. 21 my coldest of the season. Westhampton airport 17 Brookhaven Labs 19.
  14. I guess it only makes sence after the snowiest 5year period , we would have a snow drought.
  15. Got down to 29 here and now up to 30. So perfect conditions not panning out at this point.
  16. Gabreski Airport (near Long Island pine barrens) at 26 degrees at 6PM.
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