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Everything posted by frd

  1. No quick recovery for the PV after the rapid weakening in two weeks. The u-mean 10 hPa 60N does not return to the ERA5 mean until later in March.
  2. You need to visit other forums in the East and conduct therapy, because if you think its a bummer here at times other forums are even worse. I totally get it though. Its been a very long time for some areas. I understand the frustration.
  3. So you are thinking the pattern change lasts about two weeks and then thats it? So you are going to route of the Pac not cooperating and breaking down the pattern that sets up in mid-Feb by early March? Some are going with a cold and possibly snowy March. I have my bar set low, despite the weeklies, and ensembles. Been fooled too many times in the past.
  4. Do you believe it though ? Thought we are headed for a - EPO + PNA pattern in mid Feb.
  5. 3 D Vortex current Hour 384 forecast from the GFS. Notice the bagginess and displacement North South orientation, along with hints of a split at lower levels. Overall positive signs for the HL.
  6. CANSIPS for Feb . Basically cooler but seems like an extended dry period. Versus split flow in the long range by various ensembles. I imagine need to see how high + the PNA gets. Too much of a good thing and we might go drier.
  7. The signal for the mid month weakening has been there for a bit combined with slower winds and a gradual movement of the PV Southward in a wobbling fashion through hours 384.
  8. I believe at the peak of the pattern and possibly afterwards for a bit we will have some bizarre storm evolutions, such as loops, stalls and retrogrades. Looks crazy.
  9. Many photos online from the various snow storms of 1958 in our forecast area. Rather severe for many locations. If 1958 plays out its going get nuts.
  10. Latest trends with the AO are very encouraging. Also a weakening of the SPV mid February including a displacement event. HL progression in Early to Mid February is enticing for snow lovers in the East .
  11. Some very cold air is going to be pulled down during mid Feb. Some crazy snow depths in Alaska and extreme cold.
  12. From Tomer , here is his update from 5 days ago, so keep that in mind. He seems bullish for a Moderate to Major Mid Atlantic Snowstorm January 25 Update I typically like to provide general windows for snow potentials once the picture becomes somewhat clearer; in the following days since this post, I feel increasingly confident in narrowing down a potential window between around February 15-25 for the peak potential of a moderate-major Mid Atlantic and Northeast snowstorm, though a low potential exists as early as the 2nd week of February.
  13. The CFS is in its wheelhouse of higher predictive scoring. I can certainly see this as the look after Feb 10 to the 15th. Based on the look overall the anomalies may be rather severe after Feb 15 th
  14. Looking at seasonality, blocking cycles, and other data, including the increased odds of another signifincant - NAO period, it would not shock me if we get that - NAO in early March. This might increase the odds of a higher end winterstorm in early to even mid March, despite climo aurguing otherwise.
  15. Ha, love it. I am not sure if I like the term Big or First better ? ( I like both !!! ) Thanks for your updates psu.
  16. Looks like big snow storm potential. Or too early yet ?
  17. DT update 3:57 PM · Jan 28, 2024 · 9,047 Views WORKING HYPOTHESIS so if we accept the idea that the northern Jet Stream is overdone then the southern LOW is not along the Gulf Coast on FEB 4-5 . It will be back in the Tennessee Valley and the big snowstorm threat is still alive. IMAGE 2 shows the individual 30 members of the 12z GFS Ensemble . Of the 30 members ….13 of them show a significant surface LOW that would bring significant snowfall to the Middle Atlantic region. some of these Solutions also include the northern Mid-Atlantic and New England. Some do not. Given the GFS propensity to overdo the northern branch and suppress southern systems 13 out of 30 is almost 50% which is not bad.
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