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Everything posted by weatherwiz

  1. Someone please tell me what kinda spider this is. It’s on my bathroom floor. That is HUGE for inside a house. @ORH_wxman do you know? Im legit scared
  2. We'll probably go through the Greek alphabet at the rate these waves are getting named
  3. what a boring summer...this is complete utter B.S. Big fooking deal...one event with a nice swath of wind damage...you know that one event that had that RIDICULOUS enhanced risk across CT which prompted that RIDICULOUS tornado watch into CT...that was a totally uncalled for watch...oh yeah...then when the shitty fooking line came through it prompted stupid warnings. Warnings for a fooking line of heavy rain with a few flashes and booms.
  4. Some of our best severe episodes come from NW flow events! (Especially when it's associated with an EML).
  5. Well I’m leaving the airport and headed back home. This is fooking stupid. Just a dark cloudy stupid sky with some rumbles. I’ve only seen one flash. At least there’s a McDonald’s...going to get a cone to cheer me up.
  6. Shafted. Off to the East and off to the west. Fooking bullshit. This is beyond outrageous. What the fook? Such bullshit
  7. Hopefully the backside of the complex builds up...much better shot with that
  8. I wouldn't make it. I also like to try and get well ahead for any shelf cloud shots. I was looking at Somers but that's a 30-minute drive.
  9. shit I'll have to go east. Maybe Rockville? Hope I'd make it.
  10. It is tough but there are places you can find which do offer great views. I love going to BDL since that offers a great view...especially to the west and north. In West Hartford there was this golf course I would go to which offered great views to the west and north as well. I usually try to find open fields, parking lots, or like remote farmland areas.
  11. Done with work at 3:00 then I think I will head to BDL and catch that stuff from the north!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. GFS hinting at potential for a NW flow event next Monday. Very warm and humid airmass at the sfc with strong shear aloft and s/w
  13. so are we just going to use this thread for this week as well? If so, I'll edit title
  14. I found out there are like 8 hour long videos on YouTube of just lightning and thunder. I'm just going to listen to that when I go to bed tonight. I have forgotten what lightning looks like and what thunder sounds like.
  15. Instead of melting I made a comforting poem No more melting when thunderstorms don't come If they aren't coming at you, you gotta get in your car and run Spotty and scattered not everyone gets hit Enjoy the beauty of the setup and watch the radar get lit
  16. I can't meltdown over this. Melting down b/c something doesn't happen in your backyard is childish...especially when it comes down to something which is such a smaller-scale type phenomenon. The nature of convection is some towns will get hit and some won't. But the initial thoughts about this weekend were completely off...especially the idea about strong shear today (so either the pre-assessment was incorrect or it just evolved differently. Initial thoughts about yesterday was completely out of whack. But I think I see why
  17. looks like Holland is getting nailed. gotta be some big hail there
  18. Watch any embedded areas of rotation for some very large hail (1.75'' - 2'''). Might just have enough shear present to generate enough mlvl rotation for big hailers
  19. All the best parameters pretty much right around Boston. I'm sure too some added convergence from a sea-breeze. But 2000 J of MLCAPE with 30 knots of effective shear...that's going to produce something. Looks like we have the same over CT but we're obviously lacking something. Maybe just lacking some type of extra boost...though it looked like there was some sea-breeze action here. Things really picking up too along the MA/CT border. EDIT: looks like sea-breeze boundary made it to the border (from LIS)
  20. hearing thunder from that...assuming it's that anyways.
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