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Everything posted by wokeupthisam

  1. roughly a week give or take of Lee-watching - yielding so far: 56.8F/52.9F ; 00.02" precip since midnight ; 3.4mph G5.8mph peak gust 19.5mph ROI: 0.00012" rain / hr watched, 0.027mph avg wind / hr watched
  2. 31.3F, snow shut off quick when that intense band finally moved away after ripping here all through my attempted cleanup. Haven't measured other than by snowblower bucket and snow to thy knickers, but eyeballing 20-24 inches. Wet stuff, tough to move, power blinking but has stayed on, amazing looking at the snow pasted on trees and wires waving in the gusts. A few nice roars overhead - took this video w sound after round 2 cleanup - that band was just pouring snow, made for a beautiful winter walk back to the house.
  3. 31.6F, S+ blowing snow vis <1/8 Power flickered 2x today but holding on so far... vid from a couple hours earlier today:
  4. If the HRRR is right, you'll need a periscope to see it perfectly this time tomorrow ; )
  5. Yup. This will come down to where the banding and any pivot points set up. Feasts a town or two away from famines... Radar nowcast for sure
  6. Yeah Gray wording leaned to the bullish side but they did caveat that the 2013 and 2015 storms had a different antecedent airmass. It's a big difference in the upcoming IMO.
  7. Eyeballing 7" here, 31.4F and moderate snow but not stacking efficiently at all. Insolation winning the battle, coatings just melting into the pack as fast as it stacks so not expecting any more accums here despite radar/fcsts.
  8. 3.5 new, 31.8F slowly climbing with fog and SN-
  9. -16.2 and nearly steady. Wind gusting over 20 at times still. Not fake cold. Snowing too, despite a hazy nearly-full moon. Took a quick walk and it's surreal, 13" glacier pack, jet engine roar above the trees, and finger-numbing cold. Thank God for 4 woodstoves and some black locust splits to burn!
  10. Two invasive insect species of concern in NE could have significant mortality of this year's population, if we can get cold enough. Both the Emarald Ash Borer (EAB) and Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) populations are susceptible to anomalous cold events, especially as temps approach -20F. "...researchers from the U. S. Forest Service and Minnesota Department of Agriculture found that the supercooling temperature for the Minnesota EAB population was about -13°F. Based on these results, a model was created that predicts that about five percent of EAB larvae should die when temperatures reach 0°F, 34 percent at -10°F, 79 percent at -20°F, and an impressive 98 percent should die at -30°F. (Venette, R.C. & Abrahamson, M. (2010) Cold hardiness of emerald ash borer PDF , Agrilus planipennis: a new perspective.) Studies on the HWA show similar results. Also their mortality is higher when the cold occurs after a period of relatively milder conditions, as the insects gradually adapt their supercooling ability in sustained cold periods, so this event holds promise for a (temporary) setback for these insects in 2023 in NE. I'm cheering for -20F here overnight Friday for that reason alone. Seems like an ideal setup to hamper those invasives for a season anyway, while not prolonging the severe conditions for people and wildlife. Bring it!
  11. Interesting to track as we head closer. 00Z run verified 2F too warm, had 13F at 2Z, actual was 11F. Not significant but kinda bored watching models right now lol
  12. 2nd cleanup was about 5in of fluff from the mid-aftn band. Great over-achiever, might have guessed from the panic around the feeders this am - it's like they think they'll never find food again ; )
  13. 30.2/30F closing in on 13" for the storm, still S+ but heaviest looks about ready to move east Snow stake shows about 16" settled
  14. 27.5/27.3 that margin has been consistent for 12+ hours... S+ last 40 mins, 8.5 new 10am today:
  15. 27.3/27.1 with snow picking up again and better growth. Heard sleet against the windows around 5am, power blinked about 5:30a just as wind kicked up suddenly from the N NE, eyeballing 5.5in new since yesterday at the snow stick
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