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CT Rain

Moderator Meteorologist
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Everything posted by CT Rain

  1. Yeah I have 50-60 mph gusts. Saying widespread outages as that's what Eversource is saying and to prepare people for the holidays. I do think there's the chance for some bigger gusts in/around convection but that can always be tough to accomplish.
  2. Probably not going to lose much pack up north but rapid temp drop is going to turn it to a glacier. Maybe a bit better end of the week as temperatures warm a bit and the snow softens some?
  3. I don't get the "wind forecasts always underperform" thing. I feel like most of our forecasts verify fairly well at the ASOS stations. If you're looking at the HRRR/Euro or whatever raw model output though and taking that as a forecast you're going to be disappointed.
  4. Yeah could be impressive. Wave action on a southerly wind always creates more issues than you’d expect with a given tide level.
  5. A few opportunities too. Convection along the warm front, better low level lapse rates after the warm fropa with a bit of warming, and then possible violence on the cold front. Pretty interesting setup.
  6. NAM/HRRR definitely have trended toward a more impressive wind event in SNE. It may rock in some towns tomorrow AM.
  7. Maybe disaster averted for NNE? Looks like some snow on the front and back end and dew points struggle past 45F.
  8. These are about as impressive as you'll see. Also... 60 knots at top of the mixed layer out of the NW as the storm passes. GFS may be too well mixed (and NAM too inverted) - but throw in some convection this definitely is worth watching.
  9. I get it. In 17 years here I've never had anyone tell me or even implicitly pressure me to change the forecast. In fact more often than not if the forecast changes for the worse (tornadoes, more snow, higher winds) it's met with groans and annoyance by everyone in the newsroom as it means more work, longer days, etc. It's sort of funny but it's actually the opposite of what most people probably think goes on.
  10. Sucks to not even have a nice upslope event after the rain.
  11. Yeah pretty ugly setup for Christmas week. Doubt i'll be able to salvage even decent conditions at Stowe a week later when I'm there for New Years.
  12. Yeah agreed for sure. And also nice when places report 12z snow depth. Can get a nice gauge there.
  13. Biggest issue is when stations measure only at 12z and you had a snow to rain situation the day prior.
  14. Mt Snow was exceptional today. Powder stashes all day. One of the better days I’ve had there- even hit the trees off Olympic on the North Face a few times. Guessing about 2ft fresh there.
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