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Everything posted by wncsnow

  1. Yea, the cold comes back maybe by hour 360. What could go wrong?
  2. Day 10 of the Euro certainly doesn't look like the cold is rebuilding quickly..
  3. Sure would be nice to have some COLD air around..
  4. It also has nothing that resembles "snowy pattern"
  5. The pattern looks meh at best to me. Doesn't even have much if any NWFS for the mountain folks..
  6. I'm not making anything up, I reinforced my point with maps like you did with a graph. The key is if modifies in time to rain and the western ridge is continually getting beat down. The pattern we are entering does not look like a good one for snow but we can always hope
  7. You can have your GFS, I will take my EPS and Op Euro thanks.
  8. i think your prediction has a good chance at coming to fruition, this pattern "change" is nothing more than a 3 day colder than average spel
  9. Yea this is turning into a fail quickly. Better hope the cold reloads after day 12 because its gone after day 7 on the Euro and EPS.
  10. We are now in bargaining stage of grief I think with depression coming quickly around the corner...
  11. The MJO isnt looking as promising now and may head back into phase 6 or the COD. The cold will probably relax in late Jan either way after a week or so of at or below average.
  12. Well the OP Euro does show moisture coming after day 10 but it will likely be rain
  13. 1.5 hah. I'm close to 4 inches here since Saturday in the foothills and thankfully it looks to dry out soon...
  14. The line was uneventful here in McDowell, but the rain and flash flooding have been the bigger concern.
  15. I sure hope the pattern does change do a cold and drier one because it is setting up for serious flooding. I'm closing in on 3 inches quickly and the line isn't here yet.
  16. 1.5 already here and that's about what the NWS forecasted for the entire event...
  17. Yea the OP runs looks like crap on the GFS and Euro
  18. I hope we can all cash in soon but i'm still having my doubts about the pattern change. The pacific is still messed up and we are hoping the -EPO can save us. I also see signs of the SE ridge having trouble breaking down even on the EPS.
  19. I thought the EPS looked warmer overall but could be wrong
  20. The OP Euro is still not bringing down the cold like the OP GFS, hug the EPS for now
  21. Can't wait to see all the people in here after the cold keeps getting delayed a few days on the models
  22. No but it's another piece of the puzzle. I think the GFS is bringing the colder pattern in too early by 3 or 4 days at least. It won't be until Around MLK day or later when we could see a decent winter pattern.
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