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Everything posted by mreaves

  1. Volunteering at a food distribution at MPV. Like a good weenie, I snapped a photo of the ASOS
  2. 58° at MPV. What a glorious June day.
  3. Doesn't this pretty much describe the majority of any severe season in NE?
  4. I think I'd rate him a severe
  5. This is basically a yearly repost for you.
  6. Got down to 35°. What a BS streak of "summer" weather the last couple of days.
  7. 48F on the car thermo on the way home from golf around 3:00. Golf not a lot of fun with the cold and the wind.
  8. My son and I did about 5 miles on the Cross Vermont Trail in Groton tonight. It’s an old rail bed in that section so not really a hike per say but it was a beautiful night for a walk. The bugs were horrendous though. As you swung your arms, it felt like you were cutting through swaths of black flies, no seeums and mosquitos. We had 100% deet insect repellent on and it was still bad.
  9. I'm by no means a well expert but I've seen them be as shallow as yours and I've seen over 200'. Growing up we actually had a spring that was 4' maybe. It went dry one summer 1982 or 83, I can't remember. It sucks not having water though.
  10. I haven’t been to the farm in quite a few years. I always liked the last 3 holes. That course was designed by Geoffrey Cornish, who also designed the Killington Mt course. My understanding is that it was originally supposed to be an 18 hole course.
  11. I had never heard of a liquid pool cover. Just googled it and watched a video. Pretty interesting.
  12. Hope not. I have a 4:45 tee time
  13. 76/62 here. The 10 mph breeze makes it feel sort of cool after the last 2 days
  14. Mitch inviting Ineedsnow up for a sleepover?
  15. Fringed by a severe warning. Just to my southwest
  16. That better not be the case come winter
  17. Played in the desert heat of Las Vegas because they are isolating all the teams in one city with enough hotel rooms and facilities to house the entire tournament
  18. I just checked on Amazon and all three sizes (8000, 10,000 & 12,000 BTU) are out of stock.
  19. We were talking about it playing golf tonight. 2 weeks ago I took the new pro on his first walk around of the course. He’s from Florida and was a bit appalled at the snow and frigid temps. I think it was 37 with brutal winds. And today we were close to 90. Quick change.
  20. Those are so loud though. I’ve thought about them because I don’t have good ac windows in my living room. The noise is just too much though.
  21. I installed this morning. I figured with all three of us working/schooling at home we should have some daytime comfort. Turned off and windows open now.
  22. I had 2” of fake snow two weeks ago today.
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