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Everything posted by mreaves

  1. Stiff shaft for higher swing speeds. I’ve never had a high enough swing speed to need one. Whenever I’ve hit one the ball goes almost straight right.
  2. Second time out after my initial lesson went much better. Went 44-42 with a dreaded snowman on the first hole. Still some thin shots but started to make much better contact by the end of the round. Still a long way to go and there will be setbacks but I felt like I made some progress today. Not sure if I’ll schedule another lesson for this week or next. Thinking 2 weeks in between to work on stuff might be best.
  3. Let’s do that with all of 2020 not just the school year. Just wipe the slate clean and start over. In history books 2020 will be skipped over like some buildings skip having a 13th floor.
  4. Had my first lesson with our new pro Wednesday. We worked on posture, shoulder turn and ball placement. Pretty standard stuff. Hit some good shots during our session. Last night I took what I learned to my men's league match and the results were about as expected . Luckily for me, my opponent was a no show so I got a half point for our team despite my horrendous showing. The pro was in my foursome so he tried to be encouraging. I told him I was committed to keep on track until I started to get some form back. It always takes a while to become comfortable with swing changes.
  5. Yep turned out to be a beautiful evening
  6. Seems like Louisiana is headed that way. Though New Orleans was the initial focus and now it’s hitting the rest of the state.
  7. VTDigger just shut the comments down the other day.
  8. That doesn't seem too expensive. Is it higher on weekends? Edit: I just checked it out online for myself. That doesn't seem bad at all. The food and drink prices seem reasonable as well. Now if was only closer than 4.5 hours away.
  9. $54 for the entire day? How many people does that allow you?
  10. Summer nights like this are spectacular. As much as I love winter, this is pretty damn nice too.
  11. I’ve had a rough season and had quite a few scores I needed to post. I didn’t realize they had changed to immediate updates, plugged them and bam! My handicap jumped 3.5 strokes! It really pointed out how bad I have been playing and it hasn’t been just one issue. Thin shots, fat shots, slices, hooks you name it I’ve struggled with it. I’m going to break down and take some lessons with our new pro or give up the game. One of the other because I can’t keep torturing myself.
  12. Montpelier itself is a decent CAD spot though. The fields up around KMPV can torch bare and downtown will still hold snow. You can get outside of town into some pretty snowy terrain pretty quickly. Worcester and Middlesex have decent elevation in spots and you can be 10-15 minutes to the State House.
  13. Montpelier would be a good fit I bet. Small, progressive a few good restaurants and a decent arts scene. 30-40 minutes to BTV on 89. I work there, well I guess we’ll see when we get back to the office. It’s a nice town.
  14. Morrisville might be a good day trip, Lost Nation Brewery, Ten Bends and the LVRT to bike on. A couple of decent restaurants. The vibe is low key, so much different than Stowe. If you were in to gin and vodka, I’d tell you to make a trip to Montpelier for Caledonia Spirits. They make Barr Hill Gin and Vodka. Pretty good and they just built a new distillery. https://caledoniaspirits.com
  15. Haven’t seen it yet but DeChambeau’s blow up 10 let Tiger make the cut. Roid rage?
  16. Where are you going to be exactly? The three below are in the NEK but sort of spread out Hill Farmstead https://hillfarmstead.com/ Kingdom Brewing https://kingdombrewingvt.com/ St. J Brewery https://saintjbrewery.com/ The first two I can vouch for, not really familiar with the third. Hill Farmstead consistently ranks as the best in the world. While you're at Hill Farmstead, you can stop by Parker Pie too. Awesome pizza. https://parkerpie.com/ Edit to add: Lol, I guess I should have read your entire post before I replied. As for 91 vs 93, are you driving all the way? If so, I would think 93 would be out of your way and take you through some heavy traffic areas.
  17. Rare picture of Jerry and his girlfriend before hitting the town that night.
  18. She’s the camper in the family. I’m ok with it but she’s the one who likes it more.
  19. Watching it now. Interesting how Jack said he didn’t like playing his best on the first day of a tournament. He said he like to feel like he was getting better each day. Tiger quite often follows that same pattern.
  20. I absolutely love the Sebago/Bridgton area. We used to go camping there when we were first married. Couple decent golf courses, Sebago State Park and some decent restaurants. Great area.
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