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Everything posted by mahk_webstah

  1. So you think after day after day over the last few days of QPF totals between one and a half and 2 inches is actually going to reduce itself to a middling snow event? What is a mid links no event to you? To me that would be below 6 inches. You know way more than me but that seems unlikely
  2. It’s tuesday so there’s still a chance lol
  3. Are you doubting my substantial meteorological skills? . I see .35 and 12:1. Because arctic air Thursday! And emails
  4. I’m paying to wpc and gyx and I think it’s majority snow up here. I think the rain sleet and snow lines will level off at 12z and then trend back south. Potent arctic blast Thursday and a decent moderate storm passing by Friday are the reasons, also the tendencies of models to do this and then revert toward earlier solutions.
  5. Gyx is saying weak phasing and several inches up here
  6. Does the E PS animated GIF that I saw on John earth lights Twitter feed suggest a huge East Coast storm developing around January 29 or 30th at the southeast Canada vortex shifts a bit to the west?
  7. It’s a good thing then that most snowstorms don’t head southward
  8. In fact I think we want Some waning of the pattern even if for a day or two because it’s the transitions that will tend to give us better storms as opposed too set.
  9. Threatened by women who want to have equal rights and stick up for themselves?
  10. James has never recovered from the post “it’s not happening James” storm. But we still love him.
  11. The reason I think Friday will trend stronger is because we see that so often. If this side of initial wave doesn’t quickly dissipate from the models they usually grow stronger. If this Was a series of three systems that I would put my money on the middle system, but as far as I know this is 2 waves
  12. Isn’t it great to have so much to track? We have an even started looking at was probably coming after the 23rd. I think Friday will try and stronger which will just serve to make Sunday better for more. But I think the real biggie comes after that maybe 7 to 10 days later
  13. Precedes Cheney? could precede, these days, “in-chief”?
  14. No he means Friday 48hr linear trends show that the Friday wave is becoming notably deeper on the ensemble mean. Plays a huge role in the weekend storm's track.
  15. Trending stronger on ensembles according to HM. And we've seen that before...leading wave trending stronger and before we know it we’ve gone from 1-2 appetizer to a 3-6 nice storm
  16. We want stronger Friday to help more enjoy Sunday.
  17. Yes But does the evolution of the first one significantly impact the second? Clarity about Friday creates more clarity about Sunday? Full disclosure I fly to the UK Saturday night from Logan so I want a few inches before I leave.
  18. This is where Eric should consider returning to his days of creating epic gifs
  19. I agree. The big picture of it hasn’t shifted for days. Although for New York City and southern New England the devil is in the details so it feels to them like it’s shifting situation. Up here it looks like all frozen and likely all snow. Amount significant but unknown. I am quite interested and curious about Friday and figure we will see a consolidation on that overnight. If this is a 2part system then we are only 4 days out.
  20. Thank you very much. I believe that. I trust myself, and I believe whatever happens will be what it will be. My partner and I have a lot to offer a child, but of course so do most every parent, given that love is at the top of the list.
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