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Everything posted by Terpeast

  1. Those were the days. Luckily I have a photographic memory so it remains as real as the crispness of it in my head
  2. I’m tempted to have something to say about that, but after getting called out for being “too depressing”, I’ll just say that I’m soaking it all in right now
  3. Just went sledding with my daughter. Surprisingly good and fast! Happy to have gotten just enough for it and the rest doesn’t really matter
  4. That second January storm was the closest thing to cold smoke imby. Temp never got above 28 if I remember correctly
  5. 12/11: 0.5” 1/1: T 1/6: 0.2" (sleet/snow mix) 1/15-16: 4.8” 1/19: 5.5” 2/13: 0.7” 2/17: 1.5” Season total: 13.2”
  6. Final depth measurement 1.5”, even though quite a bit has melted since it stopped snowing. Might have gotten 2” of total snowfall, but I went to bed after my first measurement. So, 1.5” goes into my log. Still a beautiful wintry scene, I’ll make a coffee and enjoy it.
  7. Still snowing heavily, everything is covered including pavement. May reach 2” before all done and I can go back to sleep. Looks maybe sleddable
  8. Didn’t take a pic of my measurement, but here’s the deck pic
  9. No more model analyzing from me as per y’all’s request. My final guess for mby - 3” And sending good vibes with this. Good luck!
  10. Can’t deny the trends. I’m hoping for the best just as much as the next guy
  11. I’ma gonna be awake. Wife thinks I’m crazy. I’ll try to be as quiet as I can because I don’t want to wake my daughter.
  12. I do like this euro run, as well as the gfs. The CAMs are showing pretty different outcomes. It’ll all come down to banding, which I think is more likely to set up north near the m/d line
  13. 39/18. If I get rug pulled (which is increasingly likely) it won’t be because of temps
  14. Maybe I was right to call out the north trend yesterday. Hopefully the good radar out west means still good qpf totals on the southern edge (which I hate to be in)
  15. I’m right on the -9 line just inside the southern edge of the band 43/15 and falling
  16. For me, it's 0.5 vs. 0.3. Big difference. Either way, 3-5" is a reasonable forecast, or 2-4" if being conservative.
  17. I don't think DC proper reaches freezing at all, but outside of the beltway good chance of that. Either way, if we're lucky enough to get sustained rates for more than two hours, we should be good
  18. Going by QPF it's 0.45" for both IAD and DCA with a local max of 0.58" near Frederick
  19. NAM sounding with heaviest precip over IAD. West of 15 and north of 70 stay at or below freezing, though. NAM3k slightly colder based on wet bulb temps
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