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Everything posted by FPizz

  1. Had sun for 5 minutes this morning, now back to gray skies.
  2. Had I think 7 days in the 40s so far. Nice sleeping weather. 43 last night.
  3. Maybe these people didn't take care of them. It was funny to see though when they looked healthy.
  4. When I was in Piscataway NJ one house planted 6 of them along their driveway. They lasted the summer and were dead the next year.
  5. Give it 2 years...we went from only a few here 2 years ago to that being the most common bug I see.
  6. Have 2 of those trees on my property. I'll probably need to take them down in the spring. They are caked with lantern flies and are slowly dying.
  7. Heard this from many people at a bbq this weekend. When everything is warned and nothing happens 99.5% of the time, people let their guard down. Many were saying we get warnings on our phones all the time and nothing happens. We know better, but the general public overlooks pretty much all warnings.
  8. For the 2nd linked tweet, some of those extra warnings have to do with better technology. Going back not too long ago there was pretty much no such thing as a radar indicated tornado. It has been a busy year though.
  9. One of the first times I remember the emergency alert on my TV that wasn't a test. My cable box looked odd, so I turned the TV on, and the alert was on.
  10. My official gauge was 8.81". Crazy storm. I've never seen the area this bad either. Overall made out ok here. 4" of water in the basement, but that is gone now. Have 6 industrial fans going now. My pool looks like chocolate milk though since so much runoff ran into it. Very grateful it wasn't worse.
  11. My solar panels are only 8 years old, but the technology is already considered old and they are only producing about 80% of what they once were. It is annoying. Thankfully the prior owner of my house put them on, so I didn't have to pay anything since he paid the bulk up front. 68 panels.
  12. The chart is real though. But it doesn't really mean too much.
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