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Everything posted by cleetussnow

  1. Its all a first for me. It should be decent for snow. Ill report my findings.
  2. Just outside of Springfield/Perkinsville. Just visited this weekend in fact! Nice area.
  3. The clown map jacks my new camp location in Vermont which I'll take as a good sign until 18Z.
  4. Awight! Breaking the seal for the season. Lets get a LE event going while the lakes are steaming hot
  5. I have av RV which i used to set up in Old Forge for the winter as a snowmobile base camp. I actually winter camp by snowmobile and that would be in moose river plains. I might go back and try an overnight on Indian lake but its a windy ass lake!
  6. I will chase from downstate anything like that. If there is a biggie LE event I have a biggie truck especially for snow! PS I moved my winter camp to VT instead of Tug Hill/Old Forge area for snowmobiling so I will be more watchful of that forum. I do plan a trip or 2 to the Daks for some winter camping so I'll keep an eye on you guys up there.
  7. we had 6 kids. down from last year.
  8. No good looking women and too much meth
  9. Can confirm. He is/was a TV met from the hudson valley. Knows his stuff.
  10. These guys are hardly amateurs at this point!
  11. I dunno...noaa seems to go warm a lot more than cold for these parts in their outlooks, and like other outlooks, it has to be taken a grain of salt. And even if it is valid, it looks active for NE. I’ll be alright in central VT. You could have this outlook (which leaves a lot to the imagination) pattern verify and still get enough winter to satisfy many. Moving on...
  12. They also don't want their citizens to take the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine. My own doctor suggested that the vaccines could be pathway for another engineered virus: I.E. vaccination would now be a 'marker' for a second engineered virus. He took the vaccine and so did I but he scared the bejesus out of me. So narrative goes like this: they 'immunize' their own population against a second virus since it only attacks those with the pfizer or moderna. Then they let the new virus rip the same way as before only now the only ones infected are people who got vaxed. Then they invade Taiwan while the west goes on lockdown. I think they made the virus in the lab and the fact that it got released while they were clamping down on HK is too coincidental. The HK story disappeared from the news instantly and is still gone. They know this works! Even if it was an accidental release, they took notes. They will kill millions of their own if they have to. They have done it before. Ji Jinping is an old school expansionist head of state and very dangerous. He wants to finish what Mao started and Mao killed a LOT of people. The world is waking up to this but possibly too late. Go Bills.
  13. I just moved my winter camp out of old forge. Gets too crowded now in winter.
  14. Yes please. There was a couple of good ones in there esp. that February storm we talked about a few months back. For my locale at the time it was a monster. The good winters started in 1993 we’ve been rolling more or less since. I would sign up for that look all day long. Cold air sourced and I am sure we will get some pna dips in there.
  15. I remember DT. He hasnt changed. There was also some freak on their who kept saying everything was false and calling people a pest. The first troll i ever encountered!
  16. Haven't even got that far yet! I just got word about the camp so I dont know which club we would be involved in. We plan to trailer north from time to time as well but this will be a learning curve but thats part of the fun!
  17. Amazing! Wow. Lets talk as we get closer to winter. We would also volunteer for a weekend at a club nearby to do signs or trail clearing.
  18. All we have to do is never buy what they are selling anymore. No fossil fuels, plastics, etc and they go out of business. Easy!
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