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Everything posted by vegan_edible

  1. looking through ensembles and im not necessarily seeing some sort of blowtorch scenario unfolding, just 40's and seasonable air through the holidays. i dont know the extent of which this will hold but the big 3 (GEFS, EPS, CMC) all seem to have us locked in on that look. 12z OP GFS seems to allow some cooler air to flood in after the storm on the 18th, obvious take that with a *big* grain of salt but i feel as though this winter is not gonna be all doom and gloom and we do have the have chances to score with january climo
  2. somebody gotta fire up the grill with all the weenies being tossed around in this thread
  3. i somehow snagged like 5 inches last year feb 27th. i think we can score something this year
  4. im praying at this point. we cant do 2 crapper winters in a row
  5. https://www.ecmwf.int/sites/default/files/elibrary/2022/20281-investigating-biases-representation-pacific-sub-tropical-jet-stream-and-associated.pdf good stuff for anyone else who is new to the idea of how the mjo influences the pacific jetstream
  6. i picked up like 1.2" last december, i think on the 11th, with some little evening accumulation in white plains
  7. nam chose the hard stuff this morning, 18z monday
  8. canadian model bought that fake bodega weed and went to town
  9. seriously, 2 highly informed posters, amongst many on this board. i love how much you can learn from just reading this sub
  10. i grew up in albany and that was the most memorable christmas of my life. i was 7 at the time and i remember it snowing so hard we couldnt go visit family in syracuse. i also remember it being the year i got my first legit skateboard and it was so hard not being able to go out and skate that day. making a snowfort helped with that though. i dream of another christmas like that
  11. sounds like '22/'23 was the recent '01/'02 and i'm all set on that lmao
  12. i wish, i'm 28. saw 2001 and went from there. maybe i wouldnt want to experience 01/02
  13. been recently thinking i should go back to school and try studying meteorology. facing the world with a degree in photography is kinda tricky. then i remembered i absolutely suck at math. dream, out the window
  14. i was 6 then, i wish i remember this
  15. i think there is an interesting psychological phenomenon when it comes weather and specifically the issue of lack of snow itself. whether we like it or not, we're all snow weenies here. it gets us excited to track and see the outcome. its nearly akin to gambling. we know we have ZERO control of the outcome and thats half of the excitement. when the terms positive or negative get tossed around it is a display of emotive nature, especially considering we all got jipped last year, so we have high hopes of a positive outcome, but someone displaying legitimate scientific evidence will be viewed as negative due to playing mental gymnastics you probably already knew that, but i wanted to follow up because it really is insane how the past week has been with subjective feelings being projected onto objective outcomes that being said, we better get a nor'easter in the metro this year
  16. i read through that the other night actually, you posted it in the enso thread or sne, cant remember. although i couldnt understand half of it due to my lack of knowledge it was a great read
  17. i somehow scored like 5 inches in wp during that feb event last year
  18. agree, one storm and we're gonna be singing kumbaya. not even kidding, the withdrawls have made the forum go nuts
  19. like realistically, december snowfall in ninos are trash anyway. i get it, january is most likely our month to score. im gonna remain hopeful cause im dying for some sort of significant snowfall. but at the same time its like open your eyes people, the "perhaps we can sneak in an event before things become more hostile" line is similar to me saying "maybe i can cash out on the lottery before my chances are lower in two weeks". what the hell kind of logic is going on over there
  20. i think you actually broke the sne forum dude, like they all need some CBT and a nap so they can come back to reality
  21. yes, you two have indeed ruined meteorological winter with your mjo nonsense! it will never snow again SOLEY because of you guys, why would you do this!?
  22. hey man, as someone who stumbled onto this forum last year because i wanted to figure out why we werent getting snow i understand how the hopes of a white christmas and a snowy pattern not verifying can be a tad frustrating. however, i would avoid calling what some fellow amwxer's post misinformation. i studied and work in art, where our mediums and outcomes become entirely subjective, and the end product is made to have an opinion formed by the viewer. one of the best parts of this forum and being a meteorology hobbyist is the fact that these charts, maps, models are indeed objective. to some degree, we can interpret scientific data and create our own outcome. do i absolutely love/agree with everything sman19 posts? no. do i appreciate his view on things so i do not continually get my hopes up for something that isn't gonna happen? yes. i'm under one year on this board, time and time again i am blown away by the collective intelligence here, and am grateful for all the knowledge ive gained from here. the good news is i think everyone is on board with the idea that we will end up scoring this year at some point, and statistically it cant get worse than last year so i'll see you when the new models drop
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