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Everything posted by SnowenOutThere

  1. Long range CMC is interesting and quite possibly drunk
  2. Amazing sunrise out there this morning, catch while you can
  3. Latest GFS has an ice storm with CAD as the low tracks to the west around hour 190. Switches to rain. Then cold air becomes more established another storm moves in to the MA giving us decent snow. Won’t happen but is a definite path to victory.
  4. So that's why that high never really moved, I was wondering what was going on. The setup looks interesting, the freezing line never really moved that much until the low was on the same line of height as Pittsburg. It almost 200 hours away so lets see if the storm is still there the next run.
  5. I’m not getting over 2 inches in QDF of all snow? winter cancel.
  6. @mattie g @nj2va and @brooklynwx99 thanks for the explanation. I understood it was a good look based on the ridge out west and the dip out east but thanks for the more in depth explanation. Always trying to learn a bit more to be a bit less clueless. One thing I would like to ask: how good of a sign is this for storms and whatnot, and what could make this look better or is it already near a realistic perfection.
  7. I know, what is up with that? Why has it not been changed? My personal belief is that there is an international conspiracy keeping the reporting at DCA lower than it should be so that snow weenies get upset and start a revolution over it.
  8. Not a lot of ones show snow, but the ones that do show a good bit. Seems a bit like a go big or go home event looking at the panels.
  9. Hey, at least now we (hopefully) don't have to hear about Baltimore not having a warning level snowfall since 2016
  10. Was going to upload a forecast gif from tropical tidbits but it was too big. Lol just goes to show what a bonkers setup that would be
  11. Definitely, has two more storms right after each other
  12. Several things I want to point out with this post. Correct me if I am wrong 1. When have you not said the pattern is getting worse besides December, its like the boy who cried wolf. By this point I inherently (unless some non constant downers agree) disregard the downer's view on the pattern. 2. We do need low pressure but not some super intense storm to get some snow. I mean all it takes is a well placed boundary wave to get a decent event 3. Global warming is definitely a bad thing for our hobby but still does not mean we need some crazy setup to get like 6 inches of snow. 4. Why are you always so negative with tracking and everything? I mean it just seems like the ratio of downer posts to positive ones are like 9:1 At the same time you have knowledge and I value that but why always so negative is my main thing, why do something that you are unhappy with 90 percent of the time?
  13. I guess, but at the same time I would think that being older would offset the words carrying more thing. At the same time I never really cared/care what others think of me that much, might just be more of a me thing.
  14. I understand your frustration but for this particular debacle it’s harder to say it was a valid question. This is because the topic of snow boards has popped up now and again, which if payed attention to would solve the question. Not to mention all the just pictures of snow measurement are all on non paved stuff. Finally what ticked some people off is that it was a very easily googled question.
  15. I mean well but I know that my posts can be subpar, so I understand when I am criticized or made fun of I understand. I also know that it’s not an attack on me as a person but my posts. I guess I don’t really understand why some people get so ticked at others when made fun of, this is the internet after all.
  16. Could you explain why like @CAPE does or are you just going to cancel winter? Because you’ve done that many times and yet I still have snow on the ground.
  17. Euro, CMC and GFS all show a similar type setup at hour 240 that could lead to a winter storm. According to weenie rule number 3 section 2A "The big ones are locked in early", this means that we are getting hammered with 10 plus inches of snow in 10 days.
  18. CMC has a sort of a similar look to the GFS at the end of it's run
  19. Yeah that was great and all, always like to see snow and stuff on the long range GFS and it was a decent storm. But tell me that this H5 with cold air and a high pressure in place with a low just south of the Florida panhandle that this would not of been the main storm.
  20. I know, it just started to get good at end and then it just stopped.
  21. How much do I need to pay to see the GFS go to 400 hours tonight?
  22. Was March 2015 a good month for us? I totally forget
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