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Everything posted by eekuasepinniW

  1. Really heckin' hot now. 82.2 Around the lake: Varney Point: 67 Welch Island: 72 Governors Island: 74 Meredith Neck: 70-74
  2. Wind today was relentless. I have so much sand in my eyes that I can't seem to get out.
  3. One (1) peeper detected next door.
  4. Decent amount of damage for what looks like 11mph.
  5. I could never live in a spot with such terrible radar coverage.
  6. lol. jesus. Got some unusually high intensity fog in progress now.
  7. Boy do I ever regret looking at satellite just now.
  8. Forgot to mention... saw my first white throated sparrow a few days ago. No singing yet. Also noted the noisy return of the song sparrows today. My overall winter bird population was the lowest I've ever seen. Basically no juncos and very few finches. Not even that many chickadees. Feeders needed to be filled every 4 days instead of every other day.
  9. The explosion of light pollution across the water at the marina over the last few years makes getting photos a pain. This largely appeared as a colorless glow to the eye, really only distinguishable because of the backlit clouds. Did catch some faint but super impressive wave-like pulsations. The speed is simply nuts.
  10. That heavy band pinwheeling towards me has been dumping by far the heaviest snow so far even though it's a ways off. Significant drift below the beam I guess.
  11. Radar has looked amazing for about an hour but the snow is just now picking up. Nice big flakes. Gilford must be getting maimed... lots of outages popping up and the power has flickered here a few times despite there being pretty much nothing on the trees.
  12. Lol. At least the bare spots on the driveway are starting to fill in. Current view:
  13. Miserymist snow all day. 33.1 Still 2" Plenty of bare pavement still showing in my parking lot.
  14. 2" Wind starting to pick up but otherwise it's not doing much of anything at the moment.
  15. The dreaded plateau. Not much progress over the last 90 minutes. Bottomed out at -14.5 before ticking up a few tenths.
  16. Nope, wind remains unchanged. Short gusty periods followed by lengthy lulls. Temp and dewpoint on a nice smooth downward slope.
  17. It has always spent the winter in a giant heated polycarbonate box that stays above 20 degrees. It's deceptively larger than it looks in pictures and has become a way bigger engineering and construction project than I can handle, mostly because of my crippling fear of heights.
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